168348 tn?1379357075

~GETTING TO KNOW YOU ... Post your thyroid history, meds & your favorite food!

Color:  Veal Cutlet Parmigiana!!

1/9/07:  Partial Thyroidectomy suspicious nodules - turns out they found 2 incidental findings of Papillary Cancer elsewhere in the glad and nodules were benign.

Meds:  Synthroid current dosing: 75mcgs in an effort for supression of other side but it isn't working right since surgery so on it to sustain thyroid function.

TSH goal:  0.5 - 1.0 .. last bloodwork:  2.9

25 Responses
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149081 tn?1242397832
         Dec.7,2006 - TT- easy surgery- spent 2days in hosp. to monitor calcium-I had an awesome surgeon! (TT was for signifigant growth in dominant nodule with hurthle cells present as well as new nodules) results were benign.

         Meds: currently on 150mcg. levoxyl - TSH on last check was 10 - next labs to be done 4/28 - also still taking calcium down to 500mg daily.

   Fav. Food:  I'll second the CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I am fairly new too.  I have had a goiter since I was about 14 yrs old, took synthroid and several other pills.Didn't like how they made me feel so I quite taking them. Lived with goiter for years no problem. In Oct 2006, all of sudden I started feeling tightness and much discomfort on the left side of my neck. I also thought I had an enlarged lymph node, so did the doctors. Went for all kinds of test - thyroid ultra sound, cat scan, MRI.  First vist to Endo was in Dec 2006, he basically told me it was cancer before they even did the FNA. Scared me to death but turms out everything came back benign. I have a 2.5 cm nodule on the left and a  .1 cm nodule on the right plus I have an auto-immune  disorder which I am assumng is Hashimoto's but was not told that. Thyroid levels within normal range but at the very lowest end of the spectrum and antibodies high. I am scheduled for a TT on Aprif 19 because of all the neck compression symptoms I am having.
Fav food - I love bread. All kinds of bread, with butter and garlic or honey butter - you name it and if bread is involved I love it!!!!!!
This forum is the greatest. I love reading about all your experiences. It really helps out when you new to all this thyroid stuff.
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Fave food: anything sour or bitter, love candy that has that 'pucker factor'.

November 2006 - found lump on neck & trouble swallowing
December 2006 - 3.8 cm cyst aspirated & diagnosed multi-nodular goiter, started rollercoaster that is Synthroid
February 2007 - cyst starting to come back, was at 1.5 cm - off Synthroid
March 2007 - diagnosed with Adenomyosis & will probably have hysterectomy soon
April 2007 - Dr's appt next week about hysterectomy - in a LOT of pain
June 2007 - follow-up with endo re: thyroid

*Hopefully after hysterectomy is done maybe some of thyroid probs will go away, wishful thinking.  After much research, finding out how much everything ties into thyroid & endocrine system in your body: eyesight, hormones, hair, mood, skin, etc.  Funny little organ!
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Food - I'm a sugar junkie... ice cream, cake, cookies etc.

Dec. 06 - 2cm nodule of the left thyroid found during MRI of head and neck for migraines.  Ultrasound the same month confirmed complex nodule.  All bloodwork normal.  Family history of multinodular goiters, hypo and hyper.

Feb. 07 - U/S guided FNA performed, results undiagnostic, endo recommended removal of left side with possible TT if initial path report came back positive for cancer.

March 28, 07 - Left thyroidectomy performed with initial path report benign, still have right side.  Doing fine although some unexpected weight loss and slight jitters.  Had blood test a few days before surgery, don't know the results.  Go back to see the surgeon on 4/24.
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11852 tn?1216841443
Food:  Seefood...I see food and I like to eat it!!

History: Diagnosed Graves Disease 10/06.  FNA in 11/06 came back suspicious for papillary carcinoma.  Had TT 12/13/06, had 4 nodules with one 8mm cancerous.  Had RAI 1/25/07.  Target TSH level: <.1.  Last TSH was 1.31.  Family history of thyroid disease (mother and 2 sisters)

Meds:  Was on calcium supplements for 2 months after TT.  Started out at 100 mcg levothyroxine then upped to 125 mcgs. Now am currently on 150 mcg of levothyroxine.  

Current problems: trouble sleeping, massive hair thinning and very dry, blood pressure is prehypertensive and resting heart rate is quite high (90-100 sometimes).
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173351 tn?1201214057
Food: Couldn't pick just one!  Roast Lamb with veges,  Pumpkin Soup, Wedges, Baked Potato, Nachos, Cheescake (I could go on...)

History: Diagnosed with euthyroid multinodular goiter at the age of 18 (after an acute episode of thyroiditis which involved dramatic swelling and then remission over 24-48 hours).  Kept an eye on it for 10 years - goitre became visible and began obstructing circulation to my head (dizzy spells).  I had a TT on 30th Nov last year, gland was 3 to 4 times bigger than normal and autoimmune thyroiditis was present (positive Antibodies).  All going well now.

Medication: Alternating doses of 100mcg and then 150mcg every second day (Australia only has strengths of 50, 100 and 200).

TSH goal: 0.5 - 1.0 .. last bloodwork: 0.44 test again in a few weeks.

I just love connecting with the great people on this forum - best wishes to everyone on their journey.
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158939 tn?1274915197
Hey, I love when Cheryl can drag out the newbies and lurkers!  :-)

Favorite food:  sushi

History (bear with us those who've been here a while):

- Small, non palpable, complex nodule.  Decided to be aggressive.  Right lobectomy 11/03.  Found papillary carcinoma after I was in recovery.  :-(

- Within the next 12 months three sisters also had papillary carcinoma, another with precancer, and 16 year old daughter with precancer (all had TTs)

- Decided to get the rest of the evil thyroid removed 12/04 (non cancerous)

- RAI 11/06

- Thyroid storm 2/07.  Was on 200mcg of Synthroid, now down to 150mcg.

still trying to work out the bugs with meds -  looks like I'll be doing RAI again this fall.

Welcome all!!
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I'm new to this forum too (although have posted a few comments recently)
Was diagnosed hypothyroid with hashimotos about a year ago (finally, after being told it was chronic fatige for 5 years!!), was taking thyroxine (think you guys call it synthroid or levoxyll?) for the last 9 months or so, but this has just been making me hyper. So stopped taking it 4 weeks ago, and am getting more hyper by the day.
Does anyone know of anyone trying taking t3 when they have a low TSH? (im gonna go ask my doc if she'll prescribe it...)
Fave food: this may be hard to believe but dont really have one!!! (am allergic to everything right now!!!) if i could eat cheese but it'd be cheese on toast!!
Nice to meet you all :)
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Favorite food: Cheesecake!!!

Thyroid History: (9/28/06) Nodule found on routine exam at annual physical by palpation, sent for ultrasound. Ultrasound showed 4cm complex mass on left lobe, recommended biopsy. Biopsy(10/20/06) indicated probable benign coloid cyst, but due to it's size both the ENT surgeon and the Endocronologist recommended removal. Partial Thyroid Left Lobe removed on 1/31/07, final pathology determined benign Multi-nodular goiter (Turns out there were about 4 little nodules hiding in there along with the main 4 cm nodule.)

Meds: No meds at this time, 6 week bloodwork shows TSH at 2.8 (up from pre surgery TSH of 1.7) and low FT4. Retesting at 12 weeks. Crossing fingers that right lobe is still in recovery mode!

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I forgot fave food.It was prime rib untill RAI.funky tastbuds make beef taste funny.Chicken tastes betternow and all veggies and fruits.
Love Venora
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PT on may 19 last year.Substernal goiter was discovered during surgery.
Substernal goiter and tt on Sept 25.Pa cancer found at pathology.Just finished RAIand other than funky tastbuds I feel pretty good.Sythrooid cytomel combo is waorking great for me.
Labs on the 26th to see where I am at.My second smile has a tail from the sternum incision.It looks like a T for thyroid.LOL
Love Venora
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OK...another lurker is outed!  Here's some of my history:

After a routine round of bloodwork at an annual checkup last April showed slightly elevated TSH, my Dr. did a close examination of my thyroid and noticed that it felt 'full'.  So a sonogram was ordered--5 nodules, 2 of them 1.5 centimeters. Then a FNA.  Had an intrathyroidal hemmorahge during the first FNA after only 1 sample was obtained and it came back inconclusive.  Had to wait 6 weeks before the hospital ultrasound guided FNA.  That report came back 'microfollicular neoplasm'...and therefore had a a PT on Feb. 12th.
I found this forum that week when I was home from work and have lurked since then. The pathology report 10 days post surgery reported a 6mm papillary carcinoma.....so the rest of my thyroid will be removed on May 10th.

I'm a small private school business administrator and a children's yoga teacher (teach 5-6 classes a week at the school where I work).  I also attend 3 hour & half yoga classes each week JUST for ME. Now that my kids are grown and on their own it's time to take care of myself!  So, this thyroid mess has put a major wrench in my routine!  However, I did go scuba diving in the Cayman Islands just last weekend on 'spring break'(6 weeks post PT) without any problems.

I feel great now, other than aches and pains I've had for years!  But after reading this forum I must admit I'm a little apprehensive about the post TT craziness.  I'm on 50mcg Synthroid now and will have levels tested 2 weeks prior to the next surgery. Dr. hasn't decided about RAI and most likely won't until pathology reports after the next surgery.

You all are great!  I've learned alot about thyroid issues from this forum. Thanks!


P.S.  My favorite food is CHOCOLATE!!!!

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168348 tn?1379357075
Yeah ... sorry to have you repeat it .. makes it easier to just scroll up when somebody is refering to themselves with a ? etc. . . . also we got some newbies out of lurkdom to post :: wink wink ::

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12758 tn?1201219680
sheesh,.,.do you guys really wanna hear this stuff again? :))

Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroiditis)
Lobectomy for large benign nodule 2/27/07
voice is still a bit strange
TSH is going in the hyper direction...unexpected...since I still have hypo symptoms
feeling a bit better the last few days

favorite food: fettucini alfredo
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Found out I was hyperthyroid around the beginning of Feb. Currently on 20mgs. of Tapazole. I have a family history of thyroid disease as well. Favorite food is cheeseburgers and baked potatoes!
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168348 tn?1379357075
Tooooo early on a Monday morning for me I guess ... LOL LOL LOL!~

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chitchat thankyou for the well wishes.. this is the longest i have ever gone..i am past due...lol...  i mark itup to being so healthy.. as with my other pregnancies i had thyroid problems and didnt know it.. its sooo important for women to understand that thyroid plays such a large part in our reproductive.. and female health.. i want to get the word out to everyone i can about thyroid issues and womens health..

pretty poision.. i completely understand what you are going through.. after my thyroid crashed i gained almost 100 pounds.. was at 185 for so long until i was diagnosed.. i felt horrible as well. things WILL get better..and you will once again feel like you used to ..before this pregnancy i was holding steady at 100 pounds....

there is a great site i go to al about the thyroid.. its called stopthethyroidmadness.com... maybe it can help you !!
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I am new, just diagnosed as hypothyroid.   I am still waiting for the antibody tests to come back from the doctor.  They will probably be in today.  Doctor said he believes that I will have antibodies.  My TSH is 62.85 (.35-5) and my T4 Free is .55 (.52-1.48).  Doctor put me on .112 Synthroid a week ago.  I still feel like dog poo and am home in bed with a cold.  I feel fat and  slow!  My current favorite food is sushi.  Nice to meet you all!
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168348 tn?1379357075
CONGRATS on being pregnant ... let us know when the bundle of joy arrives!!!
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I had hyperthyroid undiagnosed for years.... then.. hit rock bottom.. now have hypothyroid..

im on armour thyroid.. saved my life.. allergic to synthroid and levoxyl....

had a really hard time of it when they put me on synthroid and levoxyl...was life threatening......

found out i have a family history of thyroid problems...

all my tests are normal for the first time in a long time.. and.. am currently due to give birth at any time...

nice to meet all of you ..

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Hi everyone, I am new to the group and would like info for weight gain due to thyriod being taken out.

My thyroid was removed in 2000, had p cancer and had spread to my calcium glands too.

I am taking synthyroisd ,15 I don't think it is enough.

My favorite food is watermelon.

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2/1/07 found out thyroid was overactive and so the journey began. Still hyper at this point and have the antibodies for both Graves and Hashis, how is that possible?  Currently on 30 of tapazole, levels being tested tomorrow. Beta Blockers seem to drain the energy right out of me.
Favorite things are the color blue and being near the water. I am a lover of most all foods.
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Food:  Pork hocks and sauerkraut (Dad was German!)

History: Nodules on right side proved to be papillary cancer after right side thyroid removed.  Took left side out Feb.22 and found out Mar.19 contained papillary cancer also.  Went through the usual diagnostic tests...ultrasound, CT scan, FNA.  Only residual effect from surgery is one vocal chord still partially paralyzed so my voice is not very strong.  Dr. said this should reolve itself in a few months.
Now waiting for RAI on Apr. 11 and off all meds right now to go hypo--------Yippee!  Start LID on Wednesday.


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176838 tn?1211460374
Spring '02: diagnosed w/ hyperthyroidism and started on tapazole
June '03: went into remission, stopped taking PTU (had been switched previously)
November '06: came out of remission, restarted on tapazole...had visible goiter by this time and questionable underlying Grave's Disease
February 27 '07: had TT and started on synthroid and doing fine

I am pretty sure I am still hyper given my symptoms and I am enjoying it.
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