11 - 20 of 1187161 Posts
Ok so my son is 2 months old, and his pediatrician told me that I am overfeeding him. His weight on Monday was 14 lbs & 15 oz, (about the 83rd percentile) but he had his clothes and a wet diaper. He is 23 1/2 in. long. He has GERD and is drinking Similac A...

My 3 month old drinks 4 oz of formula every 3 hours but he does not burp he also throws up after every feeding. He has been throwing up since around 3 weeks old what could be wrong.

My 9 year old boy just recently started spitting a lot. At first I thought he was just developing a habit but after havin him by my side while shopping I noticed his mouth was actually filling with saliva and he really has a lot to spit out. Why would this...

My 4 year old grandson keeps getting in trouble at school for spitting on other children. He doesn't hit and is not a mean child. His parents are having problems at home and this just started a couple of weeks ago and has just gotten worse. They have pa...

Corbin is 2months old now and he is still having an issue with spitting up. The doctor had mentioned possible GERD at his last visit since he is on soy formula and he has only gained 2lbs 6oz. I've heard mixed opinions on adding baby cereal to his bottle t...

What does it mean if u have to keep spitting every couple seconds? I carry a spit bottle....

My 1yr old son still spits up daily. Spit up occurs almost exclusively in the mornings after breastfeeding. Amount is small and usually just milk or milk with a small amount of his breakfast (I have started giving him breakfast after breastfeeding instead ...

My baby is two weeks old tomorrow. I have been breastfeeding. Well he has been spitting up every time I nurse him, so I've been pumping to see if maybe he was just over eating and I've been giving him two and a half Oz and he still spits up. And it's A LOL...

My 3 month grand daughter was pale,lethargic,vomiting,sweating and now is spitting dark brown stuff up. she is in the hospital on a IV and pedi but will not drink anything. today she had a watery stool with blood in it. Can someone help me find out what is...

Help, My Son is now 16 months and just refuses to eat most finger foods, he even is starting to not eat stage 3 which is what we give him now to get some nutrients in him. He will chew and mash it but refuses to swallow and spits it out. Most of the time a...

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