11 - 20 of 33073 Posts
Hi all, Shoremom let me know of a recent series for Newly dx'd here in Jersey. I went to the session last night were the Neurologist who is the director of the MS Center spoke. He was VERY well spoken and the session was geared toward beginners, but...

Hi, I've been through it the past 6 years. Long story short I've been battling a chronic illness(cpn) and finally recovered from it and got my immune system up. Ironically my immune system started attacking my thyroid (hashis) as well as my sebaceous glan...

My 11 old cat Susie has a habit of eating any kind of cat litter including the latest one amorphous silica gel: Dr. Elsey's Precious Cat Senior Litter. How dangerous it can be when ingested by cat and what are the alternatives? We tried all of the natural ...

IMHO - I'm very surprised to hear about patients on narcotics for long term chonic pain being prescribed percocet and vicoden. I think it's far better to take oxycodone or morphine instead of constantly ingesting tylenol (tylenol is in both percocet and v...

Are there any risks/side-effects associated with taking Metoprolol 23.75mgs prescribed for non-sustained VT and Phentermine 37.5mgs prescribed for obesity? Thanks.

There is a new drug : http://www.nationalmssociety.org/news/news-detail/index.aspx?nid=2239g to help walking with MS....I can't read it all at once but my MS nursejust sent it to me.... meg

hi folks have a some questions about changing pain meds. My mother who has cronic back and shoulder pain is being taken off of fentanyl 100mcg patch and 7.5/500mg and being put on morphine 60mg 2x daily and then morphine sulfate 15mg every 4 hours for brea...

Hey everyone....I am weening off of Ultram and My doctor switched me over to MS contin ER. (Morphine Sulfate extended release.) Does anyone know anything about this drug? I've never even heard of it before. I switched over from the Ultam to the MS and I...

I'm on 90mg Erfa and just introduced SR T3. I cannot get consistent temps no matter when and how many I use? For example I used 3 7.5mcg T3 and temp rose to 97.33 it then went down to 96 around noon after I took 2 MORE! This morning I took 4 SR T3 with 9...

what is the difference between a lortab and a pericet?

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