21 - 30 of 8997 Posts
what are the tiny red bumps that itch in the scalp. they are less than half the size of a pin head.

For over a month now, I have been dealing with a couple of sores in my head. I just noticed it while washing my hair. When I was a child I had psoriasis, but I haven't had a flare up in 20 years. I didnt give it much thought, but two weeks ago they star...

Hello I am getting really worried about my hair. I am only 17 year old male and I am already balding. All my family members from both my mom and dad still have all their hair so I don't think its from my genes. I also have VERY thick and frizzy hair. Anywa...

My big toe and to a lesser extent toe immediately adjacent have all the symptoms of the unsightly onychomycosis. The skin next to my big toe has for some time had a reddish appearance, but has just recently starting eroding and has rapidly deteriorated. Th...

Woke up this morning with a rash on my stomach, neck, and thighs. It's itchy but not unbearable. I contacted my liver dr. but she says that she's not familiar with a rash being associated with those meds. Anyone have any experience with a rash on this p...

I have a two part problem I have a severe case of dandruff, but I also have oily hair and I get these "bumps" that from what I can find are a type of Sebaceous cyst. (They look and feel just like a pimple on my scalp and come to a head just like a pimple.)...

Approximately seven years ago I developed eczema on the back of my neck. About two years ago I switched to a shampoo without SLS and the eczema disappeared (to the touch) within days (and never returned). Within the last few months I have been getting a ...

What type of rash is this and how do I get rid of it? http://www.flickr.com/photos/49893755@N05/4584775693/sizes/l/ -stomach http://www.flickr.com/photos/49893755@N05/4584757671/sizes/l/ -back http://www.flickr.com/photos/49893755@N05/4585388236/sizes...

Hello Doctors, I am looking for an answer to a disturbing problem that hopefully this site can help get resolved. I have some very strange preciciment and have tried to solve myself, and asked a couple local docters with no answer...

Hi everyone, I am 28 year old male. I am not obese. My blood sugar is a little high, but i'm not diagnosed as a diabetic. My dermatologist told me i had a "moist skin fold" (butt crack). he gave me some antifungal cream/steroid and sent me on my way. Th...

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