21 - 30 of 102527 Posts
Has anyone used these? I just picked up my prescription of them and read the pamphlet and has all these risk of birth defects ect... now I know they would not give me something if the benefits did not out way the risk? I will be taking them for 12 weeks 1 ...

For the last few years every autumn and winter I suffer from very dry, peeling, raw, and itching fingertips. I've tried putting every kind of clinical creams and gloves on every night. However, I still suffer from the pain and peeling that occurs immediatl...

Does anyone take estrace and prometrium? I have googled information on those, but not finding what I want.

My eye doc for the dry eyes and blepheritis said to start taking flax seed supplements not fish oil supp that is flaxseed supp is better. Why is this cause I thought fish oil supp are better. Also how much flax seed oil pills should I take. I got 1000mg of...

Hi ladies, hope everyones doing good today! I've not been feeling to well :( I'm still in my 2ww I shoud know by Sunday morning if I'm pregnant. (hopefully!!!) Anyways, I switched from a lower dose of prog. supp.'s on Wednesday due to my levels being...

I"m 11dpo and my temp is still up at 98.20 for the last two days but I have this horrible feeling that tomorrow morning it will drop and its game over. :( My dh and i decided this is our last month of doing "fertility" meds, temps, ect... so i feel like it...

I wass induced lastnight at 10pm an my supp boyfriend\babydaddy he keep talking about a DNA test im cool woth it but the hospital dont do ot no more so he think im lying or cheated on him im so sick of his ****

My son presently still has constipation, and he's almost thirteen. The doctor's going to finally order an MRI on the lumber of the spine. Just curious why she'd look there. How is that related to constipation problems?

Feeling awful I've been on methadone since 2009 now I'm down to 30 mg I dose every 3 days trying to get off ..... I'm laying here now my knees hurt feeling bad can't sleep I want to get off this ....how do I do or at home can I ?

I just started this month with my temp I take it every morning before getting out of bed. Its been kind of high and low I'm not sure if that's how everyone's temp works or if maybe its because i bought the thermometer for two dollars on the clearance rack?...

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