31 - 40 of 214467 Posts
For the past two years, I've been having crazy symptoms. First, it began with pelvic pain and lead to menstrual irregularity (my menstruation would not stop for 5 months). I was put on BCP - Ortho-Tri - and it stopped my 24/7 menstruation more or less, but...

IGF-I, ECL 296 ng/ml range 121-423 TSH 3.22 uIU/ml range 0.50-4.50 T4,FREE 1.4 ng/dl range 0.7-1.8 Cortisol Serum 10.6 range mcg/dl Prolactin,Serum 10.0 range 3.0-14.7 Testosterone,Serum 256 ng/dl LOW Vitamin D (25-OH)TOT 21 ng/ml range 32-100 LOW N...

So I started feeling sick and run down in January with a bunch of random symptoms. My doctor has been running blood work with nothing turning up. Hhowever my latest blood results showed my wbc total doubled but still in normal range and my neutrophils went...

anyone have any advice on what foods or to take if you have anemia. when AF i get real weak especially the first two days. i want to know if there are any foods that i can take that can help increase my iron?

I am 33 and recently got detected with Hepatitis B. I was completely clueless. My test result ALT (Serum Plasma): 80 U/L Bilirubin Unconjugated: 0.8 mg/dL Anti HCV ELISA: Negative HBsAg: Positive Alpha Feto Protien: 3.94 ng/ml HBeAg: Positive (0.63...

I had TT 4 years ago and am now experiencing the wonderful world of hot flashes. I'm inclined to think the hot flashes are related to the fact that my meds need to be adjusted once again but my doc wants to wait a bit longer before retesting. It's not gonn...

hello good members of the site, need good advise as i am diagnosed with chronic hbv. My Lab Reports are as follows, LFT: Bilirubin Total 0.20 - 1.10 mg/dl 1.9 Bilirubin Conjugated UPTO 0.50 mg/dl 0.8 Bilirubin Unconjugated 0.10 - 1.00 mg/dl 1.2 S.G.P...

I'm trying to figure out what is wrong with me, it has been a journey for me to try and rule so many different things out. I constantly feel really cruddy, everything hurts. I'm 25 Male, 340lbs. history of high cholesterol/triglycerides and high blood p...

I had a sexual contact with a girl. here eyes used to glow and she has touched here glowing eyes to mine also she had visible nipple discharge and i sucked several times and i had a fresh open wounds and she had sprayed blood. also we had deep kissing ...

Feedback welcome GLUCOSE,FASTING  79  65-99  mg/dL  SODIUM  142  135-146  mmol/L  POTASSIUM  3.9  3.5-5.3  mmol/L  CHLORIDE  102  98-110  mmol/L  CARBON DIOXIDE  31  21-33  mmol/L  UREA NITROGEN  12  7-25  mg/dL  CREATININE  1.07  0.60-1.35  mg/dL...

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