31 - 40 of 111332 Posts
So where to begin? OK.. I have been steadily losing my lunulas(fingernail moons) for a couple years. My left thumbnail lunula is almost gone. Only leaving my right thumb lunula left. The red bands at the tip of my fingernails are getting wider. They look s...

If you have a normal liver panel can that necessarily mean that whatever you are taking is not stressing your liver?or could it not even matter?My doc has been busy and has not been able to return my calls yet.So thats why I ask you guys.anyway let me kno...

Hi all. I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. Here's my question. . . I'm trying to improve my health overall, and am taking vitamin supplements & just want to check in with those of you here who are supplement takers. . . This is what I a...

What could I be deficient in in vitamins if I drink?

Does alcohol deplete Iron and B12 in your body? I've been working 12 hour days for weeks now with breaks over the weekend but I'm tired ALL THE TIME despite getting a good 8 hours sleep! It's winter here in Oz and maybe I just need to hibernate :) Can a...

Hi... I'm 42. I'm thinking about what Vitamins and Minerals should I take with my age. I have just started taking Forceval capsule per day. Is it ok to take that for a longer period? or is there any other capsule that I can take instead of this? and will ...

Hi,i have started to consume some vitamins for about 2 weeks.I have a pretty active life style,so i thought it should help me.. I take: 1) http://www.naturemade.com/Products/Supplements/Fish-Oil-1200-mg Fish Oil-Twice a day which is the recommended dos...

Anyone one know what I can do about this. I am truly not a happy camper when I can't do what I need to do when I feel I need to do it. Grrrrrrr :(

Just need a straight answer or something in the right direction

hi, my vit d was 21 nmol been taking 60,000 iu d3 once a week for 10 weeks its now 160 dont feel an awful lot better yet. is it best to continue to take say 1000 iu a day

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