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41 - 50 of 90124 Posts
By analyzing the role of the AMP kinase enzyme in Hepatitis C viral proliferation, University of Leeds researchers have discovered that certain traditional diabetes drugs prevent Hepatitis C viral replication. New Use for Old Drugs in Treating Hepatitis...

I am working with new Dr. He's great! My viral load is undetectable !! I'm a little anemic but he's not worried. He insisted I go dermatologist immediately for rash on arms. He said he would make the call himself if I didn't. I did go to the derm but he ...

I am 53 year old male diabetic and have been on insulin for the last 25 years. My current A1C is 7.5 . My average daily insulin requirement is about 80 units A recent test showed the following results: GAD - AB < 5 IU / mL C-Peptide 2.6 ng/ml I had fa...

hii.i am 19yrs and my husby trying for a babe. really really am worried a lot.. whats wrong.. after our intercourse his semen are leaked out.. its not inside even for a minute..... help me out.. i wanna hear my babe s cry.. pls :(

hellow people ....i actually masturbated too much for nearly 1 and a half months i suppose .....and i noticed tat my penis dint get erect and was not as strong as it used to be ....and now i dint masturbate for 4 days ... now my penis is stong and erect (...

I'm 32 years old and a year and a half ago I was diagnosed with PCOS with insulin resistance by my primary care doctor. I was having irregular periods, hair loss, had weight gain inconsistant with my caloric intake and activity level and could not lose we...

Hi i was diagnosed with pcos about 4 years ago. Well this year my husband and i decided we wanted to start a family so went to the doctors to be referred to the hospital for treatment to help us. In July the doctor gave me Clomifene 50 mg (otherwise known ...

Oral glucose tolence report is showing fasting 92mg/dl and after OGTT ist hour 189mg/dl and 2nd hour 184mg/dl in the blood is this problems?

hi i am neethu,my mom has type 2 diabetes since 1 yr and age is 43 yrs, First time we consulted 1 doctor he gave some tablets but my moms sugar level was around 220-230 range and later due to his selfish nature to gain more money has suggested insulin int...

I am on metformin, 500mg x 4 a day. Some say take two, twice a day and some people on my diabetic team say take one per meal. what is the best way to take it? My prescription is saying right now, take two twice a day, and I am confused,,,,how does metform...

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