51 - 60 of 1227559 Posts
i have been getting these lumps for about a year now they will come and go they are about the size of a golf ball some of them hurt some dont i get them of my stomach, back, legs, and arms. i currently have two on my stomach and i can actually see them and...

Well I have scabs on my body mainly my upper arm and but first it was hard lumps them my skin turned dark and a scab came it itch I rub it it will burn and hurt painful now the spots feel like mushy muscle meat in my arm and lumps in my butt and leg what c...

I'm 15 years old male. Recently, I noticed that in my right chest, when I press down on the nipple there is a small, hard bump/lump. Its not on the left nipple, because when I press on the left nipple, I can press it flat. I was wondering if this is just p...

Dear Dr., Please help me. I have hundreds of lumps under my skin. I have them under my arm pits, around my waist, in my chest, and down the outside of my legs. Some of them hurt. I also have one larger one just above my belly button. It is about eight i...

have had a 2 years of hell still no answers had camra up and down ulta scan on stomac and kidneys liver ,upper back xray,loads of blood test currently got appointment to see gastro specials in 2 weeks who i have seen once and as took blood again for test...

I have found little lumps underneath my skin in my arms in more then one spot. When you mess with them they react with discomfort. I found them in my for arms. The other day I saw one in my left upper arm in the mirror. It was quarter size. What could...

Hi there. I am 17-yo, male. I am 6feet2 and I weight 155 pounds. I recently went from 225 to 155 lbs. I gained and lost the weight quite fast, which has left me with some problems: I am almost underweight on the BMI scale. However, even after all tha...

At my 9 yo daughters yearly well visit the PA mentioned these bony bumps on my daughters legs. They are on both legs, on the outside just below the knee. They have been there as long as I can remember and I just assumed that they were normal and that was t...

It was 2 weeks ago when I noticed some lumps on my both groin. These were harmless at first...since busy I just ignored. Now, i can feel some pain... please help me to know what are the possible causes of these lumps? would you think my frequent wearing of...

In my left armpit I have a pointed lump. It is light red and has been causing me pain since yesterday. IT is had and causes a lot of pain when touched.

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