51 - 60 of 132591 Posts
I'm a 27 year old female who has been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my spine (as well as hernaited disks, DDD and stenosis). The problem is the joint pain is moving to my knees, started at right but now it's in the left, and hands. My hands hurt bad whe...

For a few weeks I have noticed that sometimes my vision in my right eye gets foggy when i blink and it goes away when I blink. I visited the doctor and they could not find anything, but I mentioned I was having sinus/allergy problems so they thought that m...

can't stop sneezing and really itchy eyes anyone know any natural remidies thanks guys x

Recently in the last year, I have suffered several medical issues. I had joint pain so severe, I went to Dr. in tears. Rheumatoid factor was 14 and sed rate was approx. 35. I have swelling in fingers and wrists and pain in ankles and hips. Hand, wrist, and...

For the past year I have had increasing pain and swelling in toes, fingers and bottom of feet. I used to walk 3-5 miles daily and exercise 3-4 times a week. Since experiencing the pain and swelling I still do these things but much less. The swelling in 2 ...

Every time i dust and clean i get asthma even though i were a mask and wet mop. I recenlty did this and noticed the next day my left eye felt swollen and sore. Can dust get in your eyes and cause inflamation. My eye is not eye or itcy.

I have been having my right eye, the corner near the nose swell up for not reason over night in march. it did this last year in march just once and never happened again. but this march it did it 3 times in 3 weeks time. always over night. i first thoug...

First of all I am glad I found you! I am a 44 year old female, with a diagnosis of RA and Fibromyalgia for the past 5 years. I have been treated with many arthritis drugs , have traveled the ladder of biologic meds and stopped when Remicade infusion ever ...

I have suffered with allergies for about 15 years, mostly occasional sneezing and itchy skin when in contact with some cats. The main problem is a blocked up nose, I have had allergy testing which confirm allergies to cats, dogs and rabbits, and a mild al...

My recent visit to my specialist found that I have attacked by episcleritis and she recommended for Dexamithasone + Cloramphenicol combination or Fluorometholone + Tetrahydrozoline HCl combination. But I have early lental opacity (cataract). So, I am afrai...

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