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61 - 70 of 6449 Posts
Last week my medi-cal got cancel idk why they wouldnt tell me. Kaiser told me they wont accept me there anymore so ive been stressing a lot!!! I'm currently 20 weeks and not working at the moment but I do have money save up. Does anybody know any health in...

i need to find a medical detox place in CA. i have medi-cal as my insurance...anyone know where i can go? oh and it has to be by next week

i was just told my the E.R doctor that i have tachycardia my skips beat it well jump real hard at time as if some 1 just hit me in the heart just want 2 talk 2 others with this 2 see how u deal and what may help it get better.

HI IN ORDER TO HIT MY GOAL BY NOV I AM TO STAY AT 606 CAL A DAY I AM EATING LOTS OF WHOLE FOODS Salad, chicken, nuts. Light cheeses sprinkled on my salad Two days out of 5 I have ate a 1000 cal will I be okay and I workout daily for 2hrs burning...

everyone keeps saying to get Zinc/mag but I don't know what it is and what it's for. How much is enough?

i got diagnosed with bv around a month ago and i took a week treatment of the 500 mg two times a day and i waited a week to see if amything got better it did get better just not all the way so my doctor gave it to me for another two weeks and i have only t...

I am told I have both osteo and rheumatoid arthritis and also suffer from asthma and COPD. I am 51 and overweight. I am started on a 1,000 calorie diet, but I am having a serious problem with exercise. How can I get the right kind of exercise to make a ...

Recently got my papers for cal optima. Yay ! Anyways, I have to pick a primary care provider. Now my question is will the primary care provider be the one that will be helping me give birth or will I keep going with the same dr ?

I just moved to a new city and I have been looking for a new doctor but none of the ones that I've called accept medi-cal! And I'm 31 weeks pregnant can anyone help? I live in Torrance.

So what can I eat??? I want a pasta with sea food and idk what I can and cannot eat :(

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