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hi, i am 24 and i have had pain on the side of my left breast and my left underarm since 2 weeks. I also had some sort of dry skin on my left nipple a few months ago and my nipple hurt. i have found a small lump in my right breast and i feel my left breast...

A couple weeks ago I noticed that there was a tender lump under my arm, when I squeezed it a little pus came out but after that, nothing. It's no longer hurting unless I bother it and now it's just like a pea-sized lump there. I have had boils before that...

Hello, about 6 months ago i woke up with pain in my armpit...i started feeling around and notice a lump..... this morning i woke up and i have the pain and lump again.... what is it? my under arm hurts when i move my arm.... my armpit is tender and hurts...

I have a lump that I noticed underarm about 4 months ago. I also had lump in same breast. Had mamogram & ultrasound. They showed nothing. The lump underarm seems to be larger. It feels hard almost like attached to bone. I do have some infection in my bo...

Hello, For the past 2 weeks i have a swelling under my left armpit and breasts tender and the sametime, sometimes i feel a burning sensation in my nipples. Do i need to be worried about the lump?

Hi there-would a sollen lymph node associated with breast cancer go awy within a week-i had a sweelling and of course i kepttouching it so it got even more sore and swollen-wehn i stoped touching it it went away compeltely and now i can';t even feel it. D...

Hello everyone I am new here and full of questions. I found a pea size solid lump in my right armpit, It is not free floating , there is no skin irritation, redness, pain or fever. I just found this lump three days ago. There is no history of breast ...

What causes growths in armpits? They are sensitive to touch and seem to be attached to the top part of my breast tissue under the arms.

in july 2011 i was diagnosed with stage 2lung cancer.as it had not spread i had my right middle lobe removed and 4 rounds of chemo as a precaution.now,just as i am starting to feel myself again,i have found a hardish,movable lump in my right armpit and i h...

I have some kind of thickening lump between my right underarm and my right breast. It is fairly large and looks almost like a small breast next to my underarm and it has a round kind of dimpling on it about the size of a quarter. It is very uncomfortable...

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