Search Results for "Ah Chew Ii"

1 - 10 of 20027 Results
Is excessive sneezing part of withdrawal? I sneeze 8-9 times in a row still and I'm at day 15. If this is from the withdrawal, when might it go away. It must be part of the withdrawal since it started about 2 weeks ago.

ive been taking methadone and valium and efforexor everyday and ahve beeem experensing bad memeroy loss also been smoking weeed

Well im Out In Los Angeles Were Youh Shop Alot n Some Dumb Fat Lady Hit Mu Belly Will That Cause Me a Miscarrage Or Somethinq Im Scared n Im Only 6weeks n 2day n ii Dont Wanna Have Another Miscarrage Please Help.!!

I was diagnosed with Hashi's in 2001 and on thyroxine until last year when I traveled abroad to find a doctor who would put me on Armour, cortisol, and other hormones. I've been doing OK on Armour (as long as I chew it up), but needed to go as high as 300 ...

I’ve always been prone to these things. I’m 46. I just never had them this bad. II have 4 on the upper left lip. Ouch. I use OTC medicine and it finally formed a thick scab. But I am not getting pressure and soreness in my upper jaw and gum area on that s...

Is there anything I can take or eat to make me have gas I'm so bloated and I feel pain from gas bubbles ew

My sleeping schedule is messed up!-.- idk how to get back a normal one lol. What are some natural foods or ways that can help me fall sleep?

Tonight they are inducing me! At 730!! I'm freaking out! And my boyfriend doesn't know yet because he's at work! But my little monster will be here soon!!! Eek!

I'm 32 weeks today and now everytime I sneeze I pee a little. Ughhh lol

My baby boy is 2 weeks 2 days old

1 - 10 of 1 Results
Herpes sores blister, then burst, ooze, they may scab, and will then heal. Sores may be confused with acne, fungal infections, and ingrown hairs.

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