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Search Results for "Flu Shield 1993 1994 Im Syringe"

1 - 10 of 321290 Results
I took Ciprofloxacian for 9 days (2x500mg/day) due to the unkonwn prostatitis, does Ciprofloxacian impact sperm or feterlity? From the internet, there were some reports indicating the negtive impact to rat/mice in lab test, anyone knows what is the impac...

I'm a 44 year old My last period was August 2nd My cycles are usually 23 days. my husband and I have been married for 14 years no children with this marriage. towards the end of August I was having all the signs of starting my period and never started one ...

Ok, this kind of bites the big one!!!!!!! I am planning this trip to west Africa, and the country that I am going to requires the Yellow Fever Vaccination to be able to go there. Being HIV+, it is not recommended to receive the Yellow Fever VAX, since i...

I had my tubes tied last July, I missed my period in may Took a home pregnancy test and it came back positive. I talked to my obgyn and he though I was crazy but went ahead and sent me to get blood work. The blood work came back that I was pregnant and th...

Any positive feedback on taking Cipro? Diagnosed with bladder infection. Took first dose this morning. Scared to take second after reading all bad stuff. The only thing I feel is a little tingly in arm and hand.

Hi... I recently found out that a masseuse (who also gave extras) had infact Hepatitis B. I have only received oral sex from her (without protection). I have received the Hepatitis B shot between September 1993 and April 1994. I wanted to know if I have re...

I thought you would find this interesting. When my wife Kathy was pregnant she received a shot of RH immune globulin, which is also called a Rogan shot in Dec 1993 manufactured by Armour. This medication was given to her by her Gynecologist because one...

Had total thyroidectomy in 1993 due to papillary cancer. I'm taking an unusually low dose of levothyroxine and labs just indicated tsh is too low reduce meds to 88mcg. Why do I require so little? Could it be because I'm taking generic and not brand. Dr or...

66 year old female had first cataract surgery on left eye April 2019. Lens moved, had repositioning surgery in June. Continued to have "vasoline vision" and intense feeling of "string" in eye and general "my eyeball doesnt feel like it fits in socket". 1st...

Hi, Today I had an injection into my bum for B12, I have to have 3 more :( I have a bit of a fear of needles. She prepared the needle, syringe and b12 in another room and then came into the room where I was lying down. Normally I would watch and c...

1 - 10 of 1 Results
Can I get HIV from surfaces, like toilet seats, doorknobs, shared drinks or pools? How long can HIV live outside the human body, or it's host?

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