
foul smelling gas

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on foul smelling gas

Hi friends, Even though person were viewing this question were not friend of my ...
Hi! I need some ideas. I've been having off and on for 2.5 months extremely bad foul smel...
I went to a Gastroentologist in January for a colonoscopy. He said I had proctitis and tha...
tmi - Pregnancy Community
- Aug 19, 2014
But since I've been pregnant I have the worst gas ever lol like the smell is awful. Am I th...
Does anybody else have frequent & really bad smelling gas.? I'm 7 weeks or is it just me.? ...
Ok so i'm 26 and have been suffering from FBO since the age of 10. I never realized I had a...
Recently I have been passing the foulest smelling gas. Do I have some kind of bacteria? ...
gas - Pregnancy Community
- Nov 17, 2013
I am pregnant with baby #2 and I'm experiencing the most foul, rancid smelling gas. It do...
Hi, I am one year post op from having a total colectomy, having my small intestine attach...
I have had some bleeding from my rectum bright red and alot for a few months now from time ...
I had a 3/4 colon resection,which means they took 3/4 of my colon out,after the surgury I h...
hi does anyone know what is the cause of fish smell feces would be ?
Help! I have been experiencing very foul-smelling gas that has gotten increasingly worse o...