21 - 30 of 59220 Posts
Sorry my phone messed up. I DON'T WANT THIS. To be like im on a pity party. I truly don't. I just don't know where to even START! I want to get better SO BAD....I have never even tried to quit and it scares the **** out of me! I could just really use a fri...

Hi guys, Merry Christmas! Some background: I'm soon 29 years old, chronic hbver with genotype D and negative hbeag. Never been on any treatment. Since I got diagnosed back in May last last year, these were my measurements: ALT/AST always normal. ...

The med tech called me today and said my 6 month viral load is undectected (post triple therapy). Yeah!!! but she also said she wasn't sure if they will do a one year test or not. Does anyone know if I can kick my heals up now and celebrate or do I have...

So can i talk about anything on this on! Since i have hep c and since the other forum is all business?

About 1 year ago I was told I have Pre-Diabetes. Since then I have been on a wieght loss program and have been losing and have not had my blood sugar levels check since that intial diagnosis. With in the last few months my PT-INR levels have been WAY out o...

Hi guys, Need your help please to make a decision about if I should start treatment or not. Some background: I'm soon 29 years old, chronic hbver with genotype D with triple mutations: BCP Mutation: A1762A/T,G1764A Precore: C1858T and negative hb...

My mom started chemo 3 weeks ago and about 1 week ago she started getting hives real bad.Like she thinks she is going crazy.Her Dr. put her on steroids to help and it has some.Has anyone else got hives from chemo and if so how do you deal with them?

My cat is recoruperating from surgery - malignant tumor in the intestines. I am giving him water with a syringe along with his anitbiotics and pain meds. He won't eat. I have baby food for him. How long can he go without food? How much water does a ca...

Hey WE desperatly need spell check on med help.I just reread my post and it is awful I hope you guys can understand what I wrote. I wrote and I bareley can understand it.Ha Love Venora

i posted a question and no one answered it am i in the right forum or is there a withdrawel forum to go too

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