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31 - 40 of 155571 Posts
How long after a confirmed pregnancy are you suppose to continue taking Estradiol? Just read on the internet that it can cause birth defects and I can't reach my doctor to confirm this.

Hi! During the last six months my weight has increased from ~135 (60 kg) to almost 175 (80kg) pounds. This happens even though my general level of exercise has increased and I just eat approximately 1300-1500 calories a day. I would have asked my do...

I was hoping that all you kind peps would give me your input about Opana ER. I am on fentanyl 175/48 hrs. right now. not what I want it to be. I really need to find a solution. Thanks.

Hi Hope I am posting this in the right place. Last week I had keyhole surgery to remove a small complex (4cm) cyst from my left ovary, they took my ovary as well and also gave me the option of having my left ovary removed at the same time. I had a hyste...

Hi everyone I have got some vitamin D3 in a liquid form I'm just trying to workout what is the ideal amount to take for someone with chronic hep b its says for evey 0.5ml there is62.5 ug (its not actually a "u" looks like a "y" the wrong way around. I curr...

Hi everyone! I am new here. I really could use some help understanding my test results. I have researched on my own, and I am not having much luck. I am wondering if someone wants to take a stab at helping me to interpret these test results, and/or poin...

I have been suffering from constant vertigo for almost six weeks now. I have gone to see an ENT and all my inner ear tests are normal. I have gone to see a neurologist and tests for MS, ALS, diabetes, Lyme disease, and syphilis have all come back negativ...

Hi! I am 2dpo and I started an Estradiol patch today to wear for the next week and a half. Of course, I am starting to second guess everything (typical start of my tww) Does anyone know if this could raise my estrogen TOO much, thus hurting my chances f...

I have R/A & Fybromyelga im in pain 24/7 im on Oxy 15 mg once every 3 hours & morphine patches 125mg change every 72 hours. im still in pain its wakes me up crying. things are getting bad. my 3 sons need me. i dont think my doc knows what todo. i've been d...

I have a heart rate most of the time from 42 to 50 BPM , my blood pressure is usually 145 to 160 over 75 to 80. My cardiologist has me taking 75 mg, of Lopressor, 360 mg, of verapamil, .4 mg nitroglycerin patch. And now he wants to add 10 mg of Ramapril...

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