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Dear Sir, I am 47 years old. Three months ago, 03 stents were placed in my RCA. In my angiography, following was revealed:- LMS Normal LAD Minor disease in proximal course, followed by moderate (50 to 60 %) diffuse disease from mid to distal course. D-1...

i am 27 years, 1 month ago i see ash colored a spot on my right eye, dr said it is toxoplasmosis . IGg = positive' i take Clindamycin 300 mg 1-1-1-1 , azithromycin 500 mg 1-0-1, Padnisolon 20mg 3-0-0, Tab dally last 20 days. but still not much improv...

I went to the doctor about my swollen node and night sweats, he check my white blood cells and seen nothing abnormal. The sweats are gone at night but now I started getting these small really red boils on my body, its been a week and my node has not gone ...

hey Doctor is a person drinks Cortal is he will not be Pregnant??? REply TO my queston pleaseee...

can someone post the details about the price of tenofovir in india?

CASE HISTORY P V SOMAYJULU Age 69 Had IHD in the year 1977 (T wave inversion in V1 to V6) No complications since then Had mild Hypertension in the year 1980 (under control) Had prediabetes in the year 2010 (IFG) (under c...

Hey everyone, been a long time since i posted here !!,not even sure if i'm in the right spot to just chat. Holy ****, its been at least 6 months since i posted anythng here !!. Hope all of you are doing well...myself ? well for a recap, i started the sub o...

My father is having the honavan tablets because his psa level was diagnosed as having gone up from 22 to 33. But instead of three tablets of 120 mg he is having only one of 120 mg at night as his body weight is only 41 kgs and he cant tolerate more. But he...

Hi everyone! I had quadruple bypass surgery 5 years ago. No I have implanted pacemaker/defibrillator. Recently i developed severe back pain and can barely walk. I got prescribed Norco, lidocaine patches, and diclofenac 75 mg. Yesterday I took Norco and I p...

Hello, My mother is a Papillary Carcinoma patient. Among other medications, she is taking Tab. Gemcal (Calcium Carbonate 500 mg+ Zinc Sulfate Monohydrate 7.5 mg+ Calcitrol 0.25 mcg) one tablet every 4 hours, i.e 6 tablets in 24 hours. To avoid Gemcal inter...

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