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41 - 50 of 1165871 Posts
GIRL!!! Took the u/s tech 2o minutes to get her to open her legs but once she did we saw

A friend's daughter-in-law just had her baby girl at 27 wks!!!! She is fighting but please keep her in your thoughts!!!!

The other half just got his PCR at the 4 week mark....Viral load is at 0 after 4 weeks!! Happy Valentine's day to US!!! (and to each and every one of you all!) :-)

Are you early in your pregnancy ? would you like to try and guess what your having ? Is your MIL is already choosing name for her grandson ? or are you convinced it's gonna a little Lisa or Karen ? Let's have a guess everyone.

An English Professor wrote on the board: "A Woman without her man is nothing" She asked the students to punctuate it correctly. All the males in the class wrote: "A woman, without her man, is nothing." All the females in the class wrote: "...

I found this while searching for good descriptions before I went ot the neuro last week. Made me laugh.... I'll post a few descriptions then the link if anyone wants to read the whole thing. What Living with MS feels like Loss of Feeling in Hands ...

This is my first post, but I have been lurking for awhile. I am currantly 6-7 weeks pregnant. After having 4 previous misscarriages, I have already had 3 ultrasounds. I tested positive on 10/20/08. My scans were as follows: 10/31- Gestational sac seen. ...

Hey Ladies, Hope everyone is well and getting good news!! I have noticed a lot of questions about ovulation and just thought that for those of you that dont use things like this it may be helpful. I found this website about a year and a half ago and w...

For anyone dealing with the dreadful news that you have recently been diagnosed with HSV, I want to share this story of a bizarre twist of fate. Two months ago I met a very nice woman and we began to get close. At a comfortable point in our relationsh...

I am confused with what a microcalcification is. I understand that it is calcification but if cancerous does that mean it's a tumor? Or would there be a tumor somewhere else? I had a mammo showing a microcalcification the Dr. is saying is the size of a pi...

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