41 - 50 of 1191301 Posts
I don't know if I have cancer. I had a colonoscopy performed recently and the results came back negative - no colon cancer. However, I feel that there is something wrong with my body. I have had weight loss. The thing is I can eat. I have an appetite. I ha...

I'm trying to conceive but my bf smokes weed almost everyday and I smoke black n milds everyday. Is this in the way of me starting a family?

My wife has been having extreme kidney pain (left) after kidney stones and the doctors don't seem to agree on what is happening. Ultrasound - Slightly bulky upper pole on right kidney with subtle altered echopattern and early loss of cortio-medullary diff...

what is the thin wall kidney?

Before finding out I was pregnant, I was a heavy every day weed smoker, which would mean that I was smoking for the first month of my pregnancy.. just curious to know if it really can affect the baby and what effects it would have. my friend's doctor told...

My father was told his heart function went from 30% to 15%. He's having trouble breathing and he's on oxygen. He's also retaining fluid. How long can he live with only 15% of his heart function?

Age: 30 Duration: 3 years. Past medical: healthy I started noticing dull pain sensation in left kidney every time after drinking alcohol starting 3 years ago. It was directly correlated to drinking alcohol as the symptoms were not present otherwise. Dri...

My dog has Kidney failure. The vet put him on a few drugs and his kidney fiction kept going down. So he suggested that i put him on Azodyl and Epakitin. He has been on both since December. Since starting him on those 2, he has had a nose running proble...

My dad has only one kidney and it is at 19% function. What stage would this be considered? He is 92 so I am trying to decide what course of action to take.

I have recently started blood pressure meds a month ago. I am now getting call backs from my kidney function blood tests. Is this typical

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