41 - 50 of 53 Posts
I am a 38yr old male that was just diagnosed with an Ascending Aortic Anuerysm!! I own a sports nutrition store and am a personal trainer!! I also Compete in middleweight bodybuilding and train other competitiors!! I feel like my life has come crashing ...

what medications should you not take while on pegasys and ribavirin? i am currently taking lortab for the pain and xanax to help sleep during all the horrible joint pain, as well as an otc laxative, lithium and zoloft!!! my main concern is the lortab? a...

Hi, thanks for providing this excellent service - it's websites and groups like yours that make illness tolerable! 6 months ago I was diagnosed with Mitral Valve Prolapse with Mild to Minimal Regurgitation (my Cardiologist said that this is within a nor...

Hello doctors =) I am a 29 year old woman, I eat healthy and otherwise take care of myself. Last year a doctor discoverd a murmor while i was in for for a strep test (my daughters had strep and i knew i had gotten it to) so I was referred to a cardiolog...

Hello greetings to everyone in this community, I have several doubts about HIV transmission, for almost 3 years I have been distressed by a situation that I will describe in steps: 1 I am a heterosexual guy, I had sex with a girl I met on Badoo on July ...

Hello everyone. please help. My doctors are a little slow in telling me what high blood medications I can take with visteris (the 3rd drug after interferon and ribovarin) and what bph (enlarged prostate) med i can take. my hep doctor insists I can't take r...

I was just wondering if anyone who suffers from a slow thyroid and is being treated for it has succesfully lost weight? From articles i've been reading, its starting to sound like the only way is some type of surgery. Like liposuction.

i suffer severe migraines almost daily, i dont take preventatives anymore but always on narcotic pain relief., ive suffered for over 25 yrs and they are worse, i get signs of tingling gums or my face/ear turns red bfore one starts, im also getting dizzispe...

Hi, I am a 46 year old male, 230 lbs. My brother was diagnosed and is currently recovering from Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). His cardiologist recommended that his siblings get an evaluation for the same. Fortunately, I don't have HCM. However, I've...

Hello. I have a slight history of aortic aneurysm in my family (my grandmother has had two, one abdominal and now one aortic root). She is a heavy smoker and there has been no other signs of this in anyone else in my family, however I would like someone to...

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