41 - 50 of 59220 Posts
I have to go in for a small office surgery next week and it is stressing me out. My anxiety is not great at the moment and I am stressed about the slightest thing. I told my gyneco and she has prescribed Valium 5mg to be taken one hour before I get to he...

I am a healthy physically active father of 3. I have a history of A-Fib. I know from testing that my heart is otherwise normal and healthy. The last 2 episodes of A-fib happened after a period of VT. My Cardio doc has scheduled me for a full A-fib ablation...

For the past 8 months or so I have had bv. I have taken every med you can think of. Even tried boric acid. My main symptom is burning sensation in my V. Sometimes I have discharge with or without an odor. Every time my gyn checks me she does a culture and ...

I was recently diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress disorder, depression and severe anziety. The doctor prescribe me Lorazapam 1mg for anziety and Citrolapam 20mg for these things. I have only been on this for a week is this enough time for both to take ...

I have been on percs for 2 1/2 years because of back surgery. The pain clinic took me off of them with out giving me some thing for withdrawl. Should I call them back and ask if they would give me saboxin?

Because I am going into v-tach with treadmill stress testing, the EP wants to start me on Flecainide, 1/2 of 50mg. twice a day. My problem started last year when I began to experience PVC's (2 or 3 per minute), then I went into v-tach on a treadmill stress...

Im a 20 year old female and I just lost my virginity the other night. We did not use a condom because we wanted it to be special. I am on birthcontrol and it was the day after my period. Please tell me Im not pregnant! And not im bleeding. Its bright re...

hello guys, today I received my hcv rna qualitative report which is negative.six month ago my quantitative hcv was also negative.my endoscopy and colonscopy result is normal.and my abdominal ultrasound is also normal but show fatty liver.my alt and ast val...

I have very high Cholestrol and can not take satin meds so my Doctor perscrided Welchol,,as qouted from the medication site below,,will this effecct my syntroid meds,,plus I do have a low Vitamin D level. "Welchol has known interactions with glyburide...

I've had 2 c-section and I'm planning on doing a v back as my first child was a c section due to his stress and I dialed right away to 10cm. My second the doctor said it's to stressful so I did a c again. Advice pls on past experiences. I weigh less no...

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