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1 - 10 of 35847 Posts
Is boniva a possible cause of papilloma virus on the eyelid going into the conjunctiva? This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/643900'>uveitis of the eye caused by Boniva</a>.

I have been on Boniva for bone helath for about two years. I heard yesterday that Boniva would cause eye disorders called uveitis and sleraderma? Does this bone medicine cause eye problems? I have an eye disorder called Fuchs cornea dys...

00, 2 hours ago To: Dr. Ray Oyakawa Thank you for your response. I noted that for the last several months whenever I took Boniva I had significant swelling under both eyes. Thus, when this past Sunday, 5/23 I developed the papilloma on my left lower e...

Hi all, Just wondering if any of you have experienced osteoporosis or osteopenia as a result of loss of ovaries? I would appreciate hearing what your doctor recommended as far as treatment too. Thanks! Shelly

does anyone take Boniva and how bad were the side effects

I had a TT at the end of 2008 and seem to be doing OK. My Endo keeps suggesting that I start on Boniva (once a day). So far I have learned it will cost between $100-$200/mo. Also the instructions about taking are strict regarding timing, eating, not re...

Hey Guys, just a quick question. Have any of you been diagnosed with severe osteoporosis? I just found out last week that I have it really bad - they said they almost never see numbers this bad in someone my age. (I'll be 47 in May.) My bones are worse...

I have taken fosamax and actonel and have had stomach problems and aching bones. My doctor is thinking about the yearly injection of reclast. How safe is it and will I have more problems with my bones aching - I can't sleep at night a lot from the pain. ...

I had gastric bypass surgery 3 years ago. My PTH was 101 in June 09, and now in Aug 09 has elevated to 141. My calcium levels have been normal. (None done since June 09). My Vit D is also normal at 55 in June 09. I developed osteopenia in 2008, one year p...

can boniva cause weight gain

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