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I had 4 drug eluting stents placed ~ 2 1/2 years ago after a heart attack @ age 56 (male) I now jog ~ 3 -4 times a week at ~ 7 - 8 miles/hr for ~ 30 mins....simply to check for any discomfort. None...ever. Play squash. Don't smoke, eat sort of sensib...

Idk if you guys remember but I posted awhile back that my boyfriend had walked out on me . Well , he came back && not even 2 weeks of him being back , he put his hands on me . I was sitting next to him && he was texting but acting really sneaky about him s...

Today I got a letter from the VA informing me that they are changing my inhaler from a 4 hour one (which I use as needed) to a once a day version (Spiriva). It is not my doctor that is changing it, but the VA administration. The VA is turning out to be a...

My friend Helen Collins shared the following story with me. I'm sure you'll love it!! John Blanchard stood up from the bench, straightened his Army uniform, and studied the crowd of people making their way through Grand Central Station. He looked for ...

The ultimate herpes protocol Has anyone ever heard of this treatment, used this treatment, or have any comments on the use of DSMO cream in combination H202 to eliminate the herpes virus?

Addiction has no feelings or guilt about who it takes in. I have been reading many posts and learned that it grabs doctors, lawyers, homeless and it really saddened me the other day to see the 16 year old. I have to say i just watched the movie " The Ultim...

Okay everyone...thank you again for all of your support. Greatgreebo is gonna sign off now and go relax....(sans pills) I'll see you all bright eyed and bush tailed tomorrow!! Greebo has left the building.....

Ok so I started at 130lbs. I lost 8 lbs the first 3 months. Then by 5 months I was up to 132. Then at 6 months got to 135, then by 27 weeks I was finally up to 140. I was happy I was finally starting to gain weight. Well just got weighed today at 28+6 days...

211.6 - 175 lbs= 36.6 My Ultimate goal is to loose 36.6. My first mini goal is to get under 200 lbs. I need some supporters. Any volunteers?

Hi all! In 2008 I treated successfully and have been SVR for almost 3 years now. While I went through treatment, I made a "bucket list" of things I wanted to do before I died -one of those was to complete my college education that I'd put off for 25 years...

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