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Search Results for "Flushield Influenza Virus Vac"

1 - 10 of 61945 Results
tis the season once again and theres contraversy about everthing including flu vaccine. When I worked in the hospital even the nurses(although they advocated it for patients) personally where divided sp Im wondering who believes in them and who doesnt,Gon...

I talked to my daughter in Ohio and she has 3 kids. They have all been spiking a high fever and throat and tummy upsets with diarrhea. I talked to my daughter in Tenn, her son started school last week and has come down with the same thing. I talked t...

I got this from the Swine Flu forum on Medhelp. Hope it helps. Pregnant Women and Swine Influenza: Considerations for Clinicians - from the CDC Website by ChitChatNine, May 01, 2009 03:24PM Tags: swine flu pregnancy, swine flu Interim Guidance—Pregn...

Interim Guidance—Pregnant Women and Swine Influenza: Considerations for Clinicians April 28, 2009 1:45 PM ET Background Human infections with a swine influenza A (H1N1) virus that is easily transmissible among humans were first identified in April 20...

ack, in a few years ago i have done hep A vaccinetion 3 shots , but it seems not working......I got it too now. so i have hep A and B .... here is my report Screening for IgG antibody to hepatitis A virus (HAV) is POSITIVE. If this test has been requested...

I received my vaccination 2days ago. One day later I am told my 20-something nephew has Influenza A w/104 degrees (F) fever. His parents have been rx'd Tamiflu by the local Urgent Care. It takes 2wks before the vaccination is fully effective? Why does...

I finally went to the doctor after feeling over all bad for months & months. Fatigue (terrible fatigue), feel "sick", chest hurt, terrible headaches, sick to my stomach, throat pain on & off. Doctor drew all kind of labs & the only thing that tood out was ...

WHO recommended that the Northern Hemisphere's 2011–2012 seasonal influenza vaccine contain the following three vaccine viruses: •an A/California/7/2009 (H1N1)-like virus; •an A/Perth/16/2009 (H3N2)-like virus; and •a B/Brisbane/60/2008-like virus. ...

Swine Flu Vaccine Approved by the FDA on 9/15/09 FDA NEWS RELEASE For Immediate Release: Sept. 15, 2009 Media Inquiries: Pat El-Hinnawy, 301-796-4763, patricia.el-***@**...

I found an article from the CDC website that was posted just yesterday called "2009 H1N1 Influenza Vaccine and Pregnant Women". Here's the link: I found this part very interesting, so if you are ge...

1 - 10 of 15 Results
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is medication that people who are at risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) may take to prevent infection.

Genital herpes can spread through direct, unclothed, skin-to-skin contact, including oral, vaginal and anal sex.

Herpes sores blister, then burst, ooze, they may scab, and will then heal. Sores may be confused with acne, fungal infections, and ingrown hairs.

Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is short-term antiretroviral medication that may help prevent HIV infection if taken shortly after exposure.

Can you get HIV from casual contact, like hugging, touching, sharing drinks or kissing? How DO you get HIV?

Can I get HIV from surfaces, like toilet seats, doorknobs, shared drinks or pools? How long can HIV live outside the human body, or it's host?

The CDC recommends that everyone test at least once, and you should test more often if you have multiple sex partners or use needles for drug use.

The first signs of HIV, called Acute Retroviral Syndrome (ARS), may feel like the flu, with body aches and a fever. It can last a up to a few weeks.

Discharge may not be normal, and could mean an infection or an STD, especially with burning, pain, itching or urinary frequency.

Bumps in the genital area might be STDs, but are usually not serious. Treatment is usually for possible infection or to manage symptoms.

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