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Search Results for "Obagi Nu Derm Tolereen"

1 - 10 of 2236 Results
I noticed the skin around my lips getting darker than my regular color nd slight itching....anyone else having bad skin/pigmentation/darkening.....any remedies or did u find anything to soothe it?

I live in the south and avoid the sun as much as possible. However, I do have to go into the sun (of course with sunscreen).. yard work, picnics, pool sometimes,etc. I wish I could live a vampire life like my esthetician commands- - impossible! I wear sun...

I am in my mid 40’s and have the following issues with my skin on my face: Poikiloderma of Civatte on my forehead, Cherry angiomas on my scalp and solar lentigines. I have been checked by a dermatologist and nothing is cancerous. I went to a skin care ...

I have a scar tissue spot on the top of my head. It’s not raised, just a little rougher and darker than the surrounding skin. I went to two Dermatologists they both sent me home with: Clobetasol topical (.05%), that stuff basically softened my skin so I st...

I am almost 50 years old, have dry skin, brown spots on my face from early years using tanning beds and the sun and am showing little wrinkles between the brows, smile line and crows feet by the eyes. I did go to a Aesthetician for some regiment to use o...

I've recently been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and anemia. My TSH was 7.0 and ferritin was 28. My physician had prescribed me synthroid and Nu-iron. I've been taking it for about 5 weeks now and for the last few days, I've been breaking out in severe ...

It has been some 90 days since EOT. My VL Test came in Undetectable. The Doctor put me on Peg and Rib for 48 wks but had to stop at 45. Was diagnosed Gen 3a. I most likely had it for forty plus years without realizing it. At 4 wks VL test there w...

I have been diagnosed w/ both perioral and seborrheic dermatitis and I am trying to find a facial cleanser and moisturizer that reduces flare-ups. In the past I was battling acne and had luck w/ neutrogena acne wash; my problem is that a lot of cleansers h...

Oh gosh I have so many questions. How long is average time for labor and how was the pain? Did it hurt getting the epidural? Did your pregnancies fly by? I'm 3 months and now more in tune to my pregnancy. Is it weird to talk to the baby now? What shou...

A few days ago I developed small skin- color/whitish bumps on the side/top of my first toe and in between the first and second toe. Sounds like athlete's foot right? It hasn't spread, isn't on the soles of my feet/heels and is completely resistant to all t...

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