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Search Results for "V M"

1 - 10 of 54280 Results
Hi, i m planning child.. I had sex 2 days before n since yesterday i m feeling v weak, slight back pain, headache n v tired. m i pregnant? my periods are due after 5-7 days

m wd my boy frnd since dis july.. v had alwaz taken unprotected sex. lat november i had taken sex with 2 boys.. i knw their hiv status they was negative.. bt after leaving them i had taken elisa test in march and thn again in july both tests were negativ...

I m short heighted... N my hubby is also not very tall... In my recent sonography my doc said dat baby is measuring two wks behind... N she said dat v couple r not tall dats y baby is also short... Wat shld i take to make my baby tall n healthy... I m 30wk...

i took an another rapid hiv test at 8 weeks, came bak non reactive….i went to a different clinic, the nurse opened the pack in front of me. the lancet needle she used was a different one, the test i did 2 weeks ago the nurse used a different needle which w...

last month i got period on 12 april 2010 n nw it's 11th may n i m nt havng periods......m i pregnant..? or is there any chances of pregnancy if v do sex n after that v got periods n in nxt month v havnt got periods .....? plz do reply

in my previous question i asked,i had un protected sex with a CSW twice in july and my test result at 8 weeks were negative and again i went for my test at exactly 12 weeks and cam back negative my question is i m still getting symtoms...i have oral thru...

Hi, last time when i went for sex with my partner after doing it for first time she told me that she was not satisfied & ask me to do it again but when i tried to do it second time pennis was not lifting up(standing) & i tried for 15-20 min but pennis...

Anyone else think it's weird to see mommy's on here due in October? Lol kind of makes you feel like you're pregnant forever. I joined this site in September so it kinda makes my head spin lol

Here's how to access the abstracts at Liver Meeting 2008. A list of all abstracts under the heading of "viral hepatitis" will follow. Not sure if late breaking abstracts are included. (1) Go to: (2) Register (...

Can you guys tell me what all the abbrevations stand for. I can figure out mc = miscarriage and DH =hear hubby but sometimes I'm lost :) lol imagine that.

1 - 10 of 1 Results
Herpes sores blister, then burst, ooze, they may scab, and will then heal. Sores may be confused with acne, fungal infections, and ingrown hairs.

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