11 - 20 of 23372 Posts
i an a man. my skin is very sensitive skin. very dry and red t zone and very oily forhead and dry cheeks. what do you recommend?

hi my partner has been experiencing abdo pain over a period of 4 years and after many tests we think we have narrowed it down to dairy products causing the problem, he has been tested for lactose intolorance and doesnt have that so it must be something els...

For the past five years I have had trouble off and on when I ate ice cream or something that had a higher fat content or was in greese (fried eggs really did me in). It had always been diarrhea and I would let it run it's course and vow to never agaiin ea...

I was just diagnosed with lyme disease and will be taking Doxycycline for 30 days. Can anyone tell me if I must avoid dairy entirely or just avoid it a couple of hours before and after taking this antibiotics? Thanks.

Can anyone recommend a good probiotic (powder) for my toddlers.

So I've haven't been diagnosed with ibs, I don't have insurance bc I'm sort of self employed. Anyway I've had bllod work and an ultra sound, everything is normal. I'm scheduled to have a colonoscopy, but if its just going to come back with nothing wrong I ...

Alright, first of i am a 15 year old male, im roughly 6 ft tall and weigh about 300lbs. For serveral months i've have constant stomach pains and im wondering what it could be. I've been to doctors, and had a ultra sound done, they beleive i have gall stone...

For several months I have been having severe gas and bloating. The first time I felt like I was having a Heart attach and went to ER. They determined it was GI related. Gave me a GI cocktail and I went home feeling better. Several months later it came back...

I have NEVER had an issue with dairy products. However through my pregnancy I feel as though I'm almost developing a mild intolerance to it. It wasnt bad in the beginning, but now at 37 weeks any time I take in dairy it upsets my stomach. Kinda makes me af...

Has anyone else noticed a sensitivity to dairy while pregnant? I've got horrible nausea and vomiting and am on meds, but have noticed when I eat things with heavy milk in it, I feel horrible all night and normally and up getting sick... Prior to bring preg...

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