31 - 40 of 1166421 Posts
CASE HISTORY P V SOMAYJULU Age 69 Had IHD in the year 1977 (T wave inversion in V1 to V6) No complications since then Had mild Hypertension in the year 1980 (under control) Had prediabetes in the year 2010 (IFG) (under c...

Me and my husband have been ttc for 3.5 years now my last menstrual was 1/12/14 ended 1/19/14 that next day we had intercourse none stop up until yesterday (tmi) and every time he always ejaculates in me I have been sleeping a lot eating less vomiting feel...

ive beenon pain oills for three years im really ready to quit i gonna lose my wife kids ordeaed. I take about 20 or30 z day i would spend every penny we have to getthem plus the drs i get them fromive tried toquit cold turkey but its not working i need som...

I'd been on MMT for 15 yrs. I started at 150mg/day, dropped to,70mg/day, then dropped to 30mg/day, then 10 mg/day. It took me about a year. My last 10mg tab was 3 months ago. But I'm STILL sneezing like a lunatic! I might sneeze 4-5x a year before. N...

I hyst finished taking z pac. can I take cipro

is there another drug that will help lower triglyderides that is not as expensive. am trying to find something comparable that would be in the medicare r/x formulary in a tier 1 catagory.

The third day that I took .30mg of thyroid tab, I had a severe reaction. The top of my head felt like it was going to explode, Pressure behind my eyes, chills, heart racing and throat swelling. I was lucky I had prednisone to take or I would have ended u...

I am comming off morphine sulfate - I still have 30 pills left - 20 of the 15mg IR and 10 of the 30mg ER - I just want to be off this drug and the withdrawals are more than I can stand. I have been taking them for almost 2 yrs now and want to stop. I am lo...

I have been off of suboxone for six days and i still feel like ****.its not the worst i ever felt but dam, can some one tell me how much longer.i tired of waking up at 6am an have felt like my back iz on fire.also idont want to do anything.I though that it...

2 weeks ago today, I was prescribed a z-pack. I went to the ER with a 103 degree fever, sinus tachycardia, and coughing. All of my blood work came back normal but they prescribed me a z-pack in case I took a turn for the worse (they were suspecting delayed...

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