31 - 40 of 33073 Posts
I was on 125mcgs of levothroid. How much would I be on on compounded thyroid?

About two weeks into my new Wellbutrin regimen (150 mg. SR added to my nightly dose of 33 mg. Remeron), I developed a pretty intense bout of heartburn. This heartburn has stayed with for most of the entire past week-and-a-half, and I've recently added a da...

Hello people, I just ordered my Cytomel (T3/Thryoid Meds) from Mexico, it's called Tryiotex and people in the net says it's a slow released meds.. the dosage are 75mcg for a pill.. how should i take them? what's sustained release means? will it be ok to ta...

Hi, I was dx 2010 with empty sella syndrome, so I have central hypothyroidism or hypopituitarism. I do have some gastro issues, am currently taking pantoprazole-PPI for gastritis, I know that this can affect absorption but I have to heal my stomach. 0...

My doctor put me on this for my RSD. I was on loratab 10 mg with tylenol and started having pain in my liver which I am almost sure it was the zanaflex which caused this. But does it take a while for this medicine to get in your system since it is slow r...

i do have mild add i found out dr changed me from adderall to ritalin...im also on xanax was on prozac dr changed it to wellbutrin sr..i have been reading where these meds can cause a seizure...i have never had a siizure and this scarees me to think im on ...

5 months before I was having elevated bilirubin level 2.8mgs/dL(Indirect 2.0;direct 0.8) and treated for Jaundice,But I was not diagnosed with any specific Hepatatis virus (HBsAg,Anti HAV IgM,CORE M,HBeAg,Anti HCV,Anti HEV IgM all are Negative).After the...

I was on a 4 day 150mg norco to get off of methadone and my mother-in-law showed up, excuses excuses. Well I ended up taking 100mg morphines, which I never cared for compared to my beloved meth, just to act normal couple of days when she arrived. Now I thi...

I am finally doing things right with pain meds.. I broke my c2 in a car accident 4 years ago. I had to get a screw put in-between my c1,2 and 3 to hold my neck together. I am trying to get on a pain management. I can not take oxycodone with acetemetaphine ...

My mother had cancer in prolific antrum and under went surgey on december 2007 and found that extended stage to gall blader, pancreas and limb node.She had under gone chemotherapy of 3 months course.Now she suffered with jaundice, and the report says bilia...

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