41 - 50 of 190475 Posts
last weekend i was on a camping trip for my stag and comsumed an unbelievable amount of alcohol and the day i got home both me and my twin brother's big toes are now numb and have been for 5 days they look fine and dont hurt but is annoying have been rea...

hi, i am 21yrs old and i have been having epilepsy for the past 7years now. i went through diff meds and taking depakine chrono 1000mg (prescribed by my doctor in france). my pilepsy has been on and off with some periods where my seizures have been more f...

White spots brain This discussion is related to <a href='http://www.medhelp.org/posts/show/296266'>White spots on MRI -minimal other symptoms</a>.

my left toe has no feeling do you know what could be wrong?

I have seen my daughter walinkg on tip-toes, but not all the time. Is this something I should be worried about? She is 2 years old. When does walking in tip-toes become a worry? This discussion is related to <a href='http://www.medhelp.org/posts/sho...

Hi Everyone! Im a 30 year old female who is currently waiting for my MRI to confirm MS. I had a numb /hot/tingly leg in January, had an MRI and found 1 lesion. Here we are 8 months later and my other leg went tingly/hot/numb as well as my right side ri...

hi everyone, a month ago my big toes were swollen red and burnin also i have small red dots on the tip of them. went 2 dr, ingrown toe and was given med 2 clear up any infection.went 2 foot dr he said no ingrown toe nail but somethings goin on bc of red d...

Does anyone know if cervical compression of the nerves cause toe numbeness? The past few days I've noticed my right toe is numb, espcially when I move in certain positions. I'm not sure if this is due to the nerve compression in my neck or not. I find i...

I would gladly appreciate if someone could tell me possibly why I have a quarter-sized bruise in my arch, why my second and sometimes all but big toe go numb and tingle, why I have blood underneath a callus on my big toe and why I get spasms of sharp pain ...

I was out the other night and my friend broken a wine glass which cut the top of my foot. Now two of my toes next to my pinky toe are numb like my foot is asleep and it feel like there is an invisible string in my foot that give me a pins and needles sensa...

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