61 - 70 of 1364 Posts
I am getting ready to detox. I will begin on Friday and have taken an extra day off work. That will give me 5 days. I went thru this before with Vicodin. I didn't last long though. I started taking Tramadol to help with it, and got stuck on them. ...

Last December I had a herniated disc just from bending over. Well I have recently hurt my back again with all the same symptoms as the first time, I am just pregnant now. Went to the urgent care and he advised to try to see if just Tylenol, rest, heating/i...

Ive been having alot of pain in my left leg and went to the dr she gave me flexeril and she said it was safe just to take as needed I hate taking anything especially since im pregnant. I dont drink smoke or eat high fat or sugary food this is a big change ...

I am a little over 4 months post op PFD and Fusion skull to c2. I am back to work FT, but not driving yet as I'm still in the Miami J until the end of next month. I have my 6 month F/U appt. with TCI (the wonderful Dr. B.) in December. I go to PT 2X per...

I'm taking baclofen and robaxen i'm having a bad reaction from the baclofen, Does anyone know of any good non narcotic muscle relaxents?

Not sure what to do, My Partner quit druggs at the same time as me, I'm feeling ok 20 days into it, She is not. Major lower back pains, Here neck is stiff as a board, She tells me on Pain Scale 1-10 she is a 8 I dont know how to help. She has a major addic...

I have the pain in the neck and upper shoulders all the time. I have an office job and do a lot with the mouse and keyboard. I am currently taking ultram 4 times a day Flexeril 3 times a day, toprol 3 times a day, benicar, 1 a day, Neurotin 300 mg. 3 x a...

Well, I am starting to get the restlessness that everyone has talked about. Why is it that it happens only when you are laying down or trying to relax?? Is there anything that I can take to help with that? Especially at night, since I have to be up and aro...

I was diagnosed a few years ago with degenerative disc disease. I suffer pain in my neck, shoulders and lower back. Recently my condition has become worse affecting my arms and the pain is severe. I am also a diabetic and suffer with neuropathy. I see a pa...

Its been 26 days since off the hydro; I have been able to sleep without any muscle relaxers for the last 3 nights. only feeling an occassional slight muscle twitch in my leg. I thought it would never end but it did! I've been able to sleep 9-10 hours a ...

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