Search Results for "B 150"

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Is 150 bpm good??

How long after your first HEP B Vacc shot will your HBsag turn POS? or will it take until the second shot to turn POS

I'm just curious what everyone's baby's heartbeats are around? Is it true boys are lower and girls are higher? We are hoping for a boy, went in for my 14 week check up and the heartbeat was 168. What have your boy/girl heartbeats at?

My Baby's Heart Beat Is 120 An I'm 10,Weeks

Was wondering if any of you ladies started getting heartburn b/c mine sure has. ... What works best for you. ..any advice please?

I got to hear my babys heartbeat today! So many people say it's a boy based on the heart beats. Is it typically a myth?

I went from 15 Million (viral load) to <50 IU/ML HCV RNA in 15 weeks. Which is great. But some of my labs which had been in normal range are now thus: AST (SGOT) 150, ALT (SGPT) 88 and ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE 132, WBC 3.0, RBC 3.43 Hemoglobin 10.6, HCT 31.3,...

Hello Dr., I am 24 years old and thyroid problems run in my family. I have just gotten blood tests back (my first time ive been tested) and they are... TSH is 150H Thyroglobulin Antibodies 215H Thyroid Peroxidase 577H I am being sent to get an...

Just wanted to check in! 150 days today! Wow I never thought I would make it this far and to be honest without all of you here I would not of! I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all your support!! Its so nice to know that there is some where t...

Anyone else have this type of protocol? I am looking to compare notes..... I live in Alaska and with only one RE up here, it is hard to get a second opinion..... Thanks in advance to all those that respond. Sam

1 - 10 of 4 Results
STDs aren't transmitted through clothing. Fabric is a barrier to germs. STDs need unclothed, genital skin-to-skin contact or penetration to transmit.

Millions of people are diagnosed with at least one sexually transmitted disease (STD), or infection (STI) in the United States each year.

Discharge may not be normal, and could mean an infection or an STD, especially with burning, pain, itching or urinary frequency.

Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is medication that people who are at risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) may take to prevent infection.

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