will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
21 - 30 of 1190953 Posts
hello all so had decompression in 2001 did well for a long the past 2 years i have noticed my arms and legs just feel like their the past 2 months.. I can hardly stand the aching..anyone ever have this feel and what did you and your Dr. d...

My name Is Kim, For 6 months I have not been able to bend my left thumb. I just woke up one morning and could not bend it. I can bend it with my other hand but not by itself. I went to the doctor and he said I had arthritis and sent me to a chiropractor, ...

I'm Hypo and was wondering if anyone knows if numbness and tingling in the big toe and second toe on both feet has anything to do with the Thyroid? Thanks.

I'm not sure what's going on with me but for the last few months I have felt chest discomfort which causes a nausea feeling. My upper extremities get like a numbing feeling and I get really tired. The only thing that makes me feel better is to lay down. Wh...

after seven daysstiches was removed but still my thumb is numb I can't lift any thing

You know the feeling you get, when you bump your "funny bone"? Well, imagine having that feeling, in your entire arm, and in both your legs. I can't really call it, numb, it's just that irritating feeling, if you know what I mean. Does anyone else h...

Hey everyone, I was just wondering if anyone else has had this? (Which I'm sure many have) but the last week or two I've been having this weird heaviness/pressure, plus numbing/tingling feeling on the right side of my face and the back of my head. Also ...

I am a 22 year old male and I would like to be able to last longer while having sex. I have tried different techniques such as masturbating for longer periods, but whenever I have sex I orgasm quickly. Is it safe to use a small amount of over the counter...

i am a lil acidic in genral....ive had bad eatin habbiuts...but i got to a healthy one long time bak...atleast an year or more now.....i was havin troubles with my acidity for 10 15 days i tookj pan 40 a few for 3-4 days i feel something stuck ...

Hi, sorry - this is a bit of a long one: CURRENT SYMPTOMS Right now, I have lost my upper range and have to belt to get a note in that range. The lower range is shaky and weaker and I do not have very much ease in producing or holding a note. My s...

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