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31 - 40 of 25889 Posts
I was diagnosed with a 5 cm petro-clinoid meningioma and wanted to reach out to the forum to hear of anyone experiences with a similar tumor. The tumor invades and expands the right cavernous sinus and completely encasing and narrowing the cavernous righ...

If a CT report reads "Left hilar mass" ", is that considered a lung nodule? Or is that referring to a mass on the hilar lymph node? Any help on this concept would be very helpful.

I spoke with NINDS at NIH today and they said they will probably take on my case. I have an epidermoid tumor in my sella turcica which is causing some problems. Have any of you had or know of anyone that's been treated at NIH?

Findings: There are few hyperintense lesions on T2 weighted and FLAIR sequence involving bilateral frontoparietal white matter, corona radiata and capsular ganglionic region without restriction on diffusion weighted sequence. There is no acute infarct, ...

First of all I would like to thank everyone on this forum; it has already been a great resource for me over the last week or so. I will start with my first major symptoms on April of 2008. Every morning for about a month I would wake up with left foot/...

I am a 26 year old female in relatively good health and have never smoked. I have been prone to pneumonia and bronchitis through out my life. In March, I had a ct scan of my lungs which revealed emphysema in the bottom lobe of my right lung and a 3.5 cm ...

After a routine mmammogram I was called back for US and spot compression. The report says : Spot compression imaging better delineates the mass seen on the recent screening mammography. With displacement of normal breast tissue this can be seen as a relati...

I have oral HSV-1. My partner, as far as we know, is uninfected. When we became aware of the risks, we started using condoms for oral sex. He's convinced that if I touch areas that aren't covered by the condom (his scrotum) orally, there IS NOT a risk o...

Where did you ladies have your baby showers ? I'm trying to find a banquet hall or something but I'm not having any luck . I would love to have it outside but there's no way to determine the weather && 35 weeks + August heat = NO thank you . Lol

Just receieved mammogram and sonogram results. Directed sonogram reveals medial perioareolar tissue of the left breast pefformed. At the 9:00 position, ther is an 11 x 9 x 11 mm round hpoechoic solid mass with internal vascular flow on power Doppler imag...

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