31 - 40 of 96027 Posts
I have had for the past 2 years small red bumps on my face in top of my nose, cheeks, around the nose, forehead, etc...I get red but not as much like other people. I used Elidel for 11/2 years and it worked great now I had to stop because of fear that it ...

What is happening when I have hot flashes. They are bearable, I'm just curious what is going on. I had a tah on monday and started hot flashes that night.

i have recently been diagnosed with vestibulodynia and have gotten my cycle. it is horrible and painful. i was prescribed an estradiol/lidocaine ointment. it is not helping right now. i have burning rawness on the skin near my vaginal opening and vagina wa...

hi I'm 60 gone thru menopause and now I'm trying to find a safe hormones to use. I was prescribed Medroxypr AC 2.5mg also Estradiol 0.5 mg are these safe I'm also on Armour thyroid does anyone know if it will conflict with it? right now I use a natural pr...

I have a question, can a symptom for perimenopause be low blood sugar, hypoglycemia? If so, how do you deal with this? Do I have to have a special diet? I already try not to eat excess sugar or white bread. I wake up nightly with the shakes and jitters wh...

Has anyone used progesterone cream ordered from the internet? We've decided to put off seeking fetility counciling at the present time, but my tests showed a really low progesterone level (1.9 on CD 23) so I've been doing some research and I have alot a sy...

Diagnosed with Hashimoto's 8 years ago. Recently diagnoses PCOS. on .175 MG of Synthroid and here are the test results: T3 2.54 T4 1.09 TSH 1.4 Thyroid Peroxidase Auto 351 (normal <35) Testerone total: 87.2 (normal 10-70) Estradiol ...

I’m 48 yrs old & perimenopausal. I have hormonal headaches and breast tenderness. Recent symptoms - brain fog during my period, insomnia and itchiness (from the inside, out). An antihistamine tablet will work for a day or two but then the itching returns....

I have just been prescribed vaginal estrogen cream to relieve some symptoms that I've had. (irriatated feeling, cramps, pinching feeling) Does anyone have any feedback on this cream? Kind of concerned as breast cancer runs in my family and not sure about u...

Can you buy vaginal estriol cream without a prescription? If so do you sell it ?

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