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51 - 60 of 229603 Posts
Since open heart surgery in 1995 I have had episodes of afib that had been controlled by medication. Initially the medication was Rythmol and eventually Amiodarone. Approximately five years ago I required cardioversion to regain normal sinus rhythm whic...

Hello sir, I have been suffering from Hep-A since October-2014. I my total bilirubin was 5.4 mg/dl. Then I my family doctor provided me medication for 10 days and after 10 days I tested my total bilirubin which was 10.4 mg/dl. SGPT= 690, SGOT= 300, then ...

Is anyone getting ringing in the ears from taking Generic Wellbutrin(Bupropion sr ) 150 mg. Here is my situation I have been on amitriptiline 25 mg 4 years then went up to 50 mg for 3 years. I started taking only one 150 mg of bupropion sr this is my 5 da...

Will my healthcare cover my atrial flutter ablation if I do not first try tikosyn therapy?

I love this site! I hope you can please help me! This may be long, so I apologize in advance, I am just so confused. I am a 36 years old female, 117 pounds 5' 7", vegetarian, smoke 1 pack of cigarettes a day and stopped caffeine for a month and a half thus...

i hope someone might help out here seems noone wants to answer my not the crazy person i used to be,I have been doing wonderful the past year,i just today stopped 10 mg of prozac down from 50 that i was on last summer cit 10 mg a hor...

Hi, I started taking 30 mg armour thyroid around a month ago and my test is now showing my cortisol is low. Is that because of the thyroid?

This medication makes me so tired!! I am taking them in the morning..should I switch and take them at bedtime??? Wondering if anyone found the same problem?

Have had A-Fib for 7 years. Failed Flecinade, Multaq. Been in constant a-fib for a year- last electrocardioversion in Nov 2010 failed. Had a serious bleed on warfin, now on Dabigatron, 3 months, no problems. Not vrazy about having an ablation. Life/health ...

i am in pain all day, buy after i have been up for 3 to 4 hours im in severe pain in neck, headache, burning sensation in upper back going into right underarm. anyone else have this or know what this is and how to treat it i have been this way since August...

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