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61 - 70 of 229603 Posts
Sir, I am male with 29 yr's age from Bangalore, India. According to my age and height (162 cm). my weight is very less last 4 years. (50 kg like constant). I have done some test for weight loss. Hemoglobin 13.8gm W.B.C 6000cumm polymorphs ...

Dear doctor this is to tell you that in year 1996 my left eye started watering with swelling in my eyelid and when it stopped watering there would be a severe pain in my left eye and temple. this problem continued till six months.followed by same attack...

I am healthy male of 39 years of age. In 2008 My lower BP was on higher side so the local doctor suggested me to take ATEN-D half teb per day. After few months I had the problem of Gastric and heartburn so local doctor suggested me the Ocid and perinorm -D...

today i saw a pain mngmt dr, he took me off hydrocodone 7.7/500mg, and tramadol 50mg, i was allowed 4 vicodins a day and up to 8 tramadol. i have an appt to see him next thursday to, He put me on morphine sulfate IR 1m mg, 1 tab 2x's a day and morphine...

I need someone to explain the severity of this Echo report that was dated back to 07/19/2005 this report was not brought to my attention until August 11, 2008. Now 3 yrs have gone by, and I just had an EKG/Echo done 08/11/08 at my Doctors office which has ...

I don't have a clue if my protein is good or not nor I get any of my test results can someone help me my results says something about TP-117 Is that high my cleartin is reading at 450 and there's more I'll come back with the details

My PM doctor's nurse put me on various drugs until Avinza, then I stayed on it for the last few years. I have severe, life threatening Respiratory problems and my memory is getting much worse. I am 100% disabled from a car wreck. I am medically retired....

I have not actually been given more than a hazy diagnosis. No offense intended to the professionals, but, every psychiatrist seems to hedge when I ask what my diagnosis is, or why the particular med is being prescribed and what it will do. Here's a brief h...

I need help on how to taper off 7 roxy 30 mg per day.I can't miss work

I had 100 mg of protein and normal bun & createen levels should I worry?

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