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1 - 10 of 86505 Posts
Hello,Iv'e had hashimotos for 20+ years and can tell when my levels are low.I have been on colestid for a couple months due to a dumping syndrome from having my gallbladder removed.I take the colestid 4-5 hrs after taking the levoxyl.Does the colestid stil...

I have had IBS-D for four years..I have never had a colonscopy, but my symptoms were so classic that it was an wasy diagnosis for my family doc...well I just can;t take it anymore, so I finally bit the bullet and went to a gastro doc. He was very nice and...

After suffering diarohea, excessive flatulence and wet bum for 3 years (I am a relatively young 36 year old) I saw my gp who referred me to a specialist. After endoscopy and swalowling some tracers they found I am not reabsorbing my bile and it is causing ...

Hey i'm a 18 year old male. I recently looked into the mirror and tightend my top lip and found many white-yellowish tiny painless bumps. They are mainly along the top of my lip but i have a few groups of them on the lower part of my top lip. I don't re...

My daughter (19) has had continued diahrea for about 9 months - had scans and stool tests (no colonoscopy yet) - everything normal. Treating the diahrea for possible"habba syndrome" and giving her colestid - it helped for about 1 month reducing the diahre...

I have read that Langerhans cells are present on the fore skin of uncircumcised male. R these cells on the outer part of the fore skin or its on the inner part of foreskin. If a uncircumcised male pull backs his skin then an inner part of foreskin is vis...

I have these little white bumbs on the inside of my cheek. kind of like granules, soft, white and dont pop or cause any irritation. there ae about 15 of them scattered together on this inside of my check in my mouth. What are they? Should i be concerned?

Hi, OK this is a little embarrassing but I've recently been treated for genital warts. However they stated they weren't convinced if they were warts or skin tags and they don't screen for HPV in my area. These were discovered and treated (just in case) du...

Hello, I was wondering how long the average human melanocyte lives in the skin... I know there are ~1000-2000 per sq mm (Wikipedia); if you were to some how increase this to ~4000 for example (chemically) would the number decrease over time back to 'normal...

I am having trouble with frequent bowel movements usually in the morning the rest if the day I feel like I need to but don't ! I have had different tests run. & all come back normal! I'm on two different medications -hyocasimine & colestid which help! My q...

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