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1 - 10 of 154100 Posts
I tested positive but I am allergic to Fluoxetine Hcl, Diphenhydramine Hcl, Doxycycline, Venlafaxine Hydrochloride, Fluoxetine, Azithromycin and Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate. What antibiotic can I take to treat this? Amoxicillin?

Hello, I have been having a consistent scalp infection for 2+ years. I think it is folliculitis. I was prescribed by physician Amoxicillin Clavulanate 625 mg 1 tab thrice daily + Linezolid 600 mg 1 tab twice daily along with B-complex cap for 7-10 days....

Hey! so my situation is i have a pretty bad tooth infection due to a half done root canal and pretty terrible negligence from a dentist. I've had all types of tooth pain but this is probably the worst, This also happens to be in the same location i had sur...

Does Doxycycline work for sinusitis ?

Does Amoxicillin affects on liver for hbv carriers? What is the mild antibiotic for liver .. also can work for throat inflammation?

I am suffering from Body pain and Strep throat . Took amoxicillin for a week and then visited Doctor he put me on azithromycin for 3 days but today is the fourth day still i feel the same.

I have had a sore/dry throat for about 2 months now with few other symptoms. No fever, cough, runny nose etc... I do however have thick or excessive mucus production in the back of my throat. It has not improved or worsened over time. I saw a doctor vir...

I am 7 month pregnant woman. my doctors give me BMXCLAV 625 amoxycillin & potassium clavulanate table and Azithromycin tablet given. Why my doctors give me this tablet.

Hi My kid was diagnosed with pneumonia and ear infection and Dr. prescribed amoxicillin clavulanate first and the was given 3 shots of rocephin and azithromicin. She is still coughing and the Dr. says we may have to show it to ENT next to treat her e...

Just wondering if it does. thanks

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