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I had an MRA a while back for exertion headaches and under the anterior circulation section of the results, it says "Anterior communicating artery is similar in size to the A2 branches of the anterior cerebral artery but no aneurysm is observed." I'm g...

hello doctor, what is acute irido cyclitis ? thanx !

I was told I have a posterior placenta.Anyone else been told they have posterior or anterior placentas? If so which and do you know your baby's gender?

what is anterior wass defect

Hello, I have had medium to severe neck pain for the past 5 years. My MRI report(done in April 2016) says MRI - CERVICAL SPINE Protocol: Multiplanar MRI of the cervical spine done on 1.5 Tesla machine was performed using T1 weighted spin echo, T2...

Who has had one? With my first son I had a normally placed placenta. This one is anterior. I am almost 18 weeks and only feel pressure types of movement. When did you start feeling actual kicks? At this time with my son I could see the little jumps from th...

I just had my 12 week ultrasound and was told my placenta is in the front ( anterior placenta ). This is baby number 2 and my first was a c-section  when I googled this the most common complication was that the placenta can grow into the c-section scar. ...

I went for my 20 week scan and the tech said I have an anterior placenta but I felt my baby move 2 weeks ago. This week my baby movements are stronger. Should I be worried about the position of the placenta?

While moving file cabinets, boxes, etc, in the office last week, I believe I pulled my serratus anterior on my right side. I am having extreme pain while trying to breathe (as well as coughing, and I am getting over a cold!), decreased range of motion of ...

An anterior placenta, is this something that's detectable on your first sonogram or is it something that is found out later on in pregnancy? I'm on my third pregnancy, 20 weeks tomorrow, and I hardly ever feel my nugget move. I know this could be due to an...

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