will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
1 - 10 of 91077 Posts
How long can a personwith Chiari live? Can a neck brace help the person? Does anemia affect Chari? Can cancer be the cause of Chiari? Whatare the best foods to duce inflamation?

Hi, I had veginal protected sex with commercia csw six months before and done Anti HIV test in Pakistan which came as "Non Reactive" i.e. Negative after 2, 4 and 5 months of exposure. Now 15 days back csw gave me oral protected (With Condom) and licked m...

Since i got pregnant my bf seems so diff he gets mad at the little stuff or when i say sonething he blows it up its crazi i try to talk to him calmly and he wants to yell idk i love him but i wanna leave sonetimes and just go back home :(

i have taken hiv tridot tests after one and a half year of a incident that i dont remember. i was drunk and i dont remeber what happened that night. suddenly it has started to vex me so i did take the test. Although i wanted an ELISA test the lab person to...

Hi all, im not sure what im doing but I need help im so down about the size of my Penis. Im 16 and have a 5/5.5inch penis, my flacidd size is like 2/3inches. I know my friends have bigger penis just by there bulges in the changing rooms, I don't know what ...

hello i am a male i performed protected oral sex on another male do i have any risk and need testin.sorry for my english

Hi, please review my situation. I had been a dumb *** by indulging in various sexuala activities.Though i always tried to use condom.Over the last three months i have exposure in which i had taken oral as well as insertive sex with SW.I used condom thou...

yesterday i went in to my district that i was liveing because from the exposure n the wider community knows i had to leave not by trett but by in criminateing so i went back yesterday show some people n to my surprise the they i cant tell them nothing bec...

hi,im from trinidad,i have a problem bothering me a few days i need to clear my thoughts,i have a 5 year old son and a four year old niece who i adore a lot.but lst weekend i was by my sister,my son was there.he and my nice were playing alone in a room and...

the result of the BETA HCG test is 8.90 what does it mean

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