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1 - 10 of 1222781 Posts
I'm allergic to penicillin and sulfa. Dentist prescribed Clindamycin 150 mg for 10 days for infection in my tooth. Got hives, rash, swollen lips and extreme itching and blotches from head to toe. Was on vacation so stopped medication after 3 days of taking...

I am a 38 year old female; normally healthy. I was diagnosed with a minor UTI (my first one ever) about 8 days ago. They gave me a three day dose of Macrobid - which I did not consume. I am too afraid. I am allergic to the cillins (anaphylaxis), and ...

I had celluitis a few weeks back. Was very allergic to the antibiotics. Tried another and still having reactions so they had me stop all antibiotics. The original area is no longer swollen, red or tender. If the drugs didn't kill it can it come back in a d...

Since i told him I didn't want to take the Clindamycin because it made me so ill, he prescribed Cephalexin. Does anybody know anything about this drug? I looked it up and it said it is similar to penicillen. Will it work since the penicillen didn't? Sorry ...

Hello I have chirrosis of liver have had it since I was born!My question is I seem to have an absessed tooth I was perscribed clindamycin for it but was told to take 12 pills daily each being 150 mg does this seem normal? I am calling my doctor tomorrow t...

My drug reactions to penicillin (symptoms very similar to what mrbreezy describes) were not so much chronic as episodic occurring once every year or two and lasting for a few weeks to a month or so. Nevertheless they were severe enough to impact my life ve...

Hi everyone! I've had cellulitis for a many months now. My doctor first put me on Bactrim, and I had a rash all over my body and developed a fungal infenction as well. This was on day 8 of 10 on Bactrim. The doctor switched me to Keflex, and this time, tha...

I had filled out refusal forms for this with my mudwife but seeing as how we had the breech issue 2 weeks ago I'm prepping for the worst (hospital transfer & or csection). My husband, both his sisters, his dad, his grandpa, are all deathly allergic to p...

I have two failed implants due to infection which did not respond to Clindamycin. I also got a bad reaction to Clindamycin a feeling of big lump in throat, sore throat and severe heartburn. In spite of the fact that I drank at least 10ounces of water with ...

Does Doxycycline work for sinusitis ?

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