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1 - 10 of 133902 Posts
Hi, my mother has COPD. She does not get proper exercise, it is very hard for her. And her diet is lacking vitamins and nutrients. I am going to have her take some vitamins daily to try and help her over time. Could you tell me if the follwing vitamins are...

I have AC 1 and a Syringohydromyelia. I also shake. I had a microdecompression in 1997=otherwise I am fine. I am 17 years old now. Does anyone else shake?

Potassium 4,5 mmol/L 3,2 - 5,1 Magnesium 0,89 mmol/L 0,77 - 1,03 Iron 12,0 μmol/L 10,7 - 32,2 Transzferrin 3,8 g/L * 1,7 - 3,4 Transzferrin saturation 12 % * 16 - 45 Total iron binding capacity 96,8 μmol/L * 42,8 - 85,6 Ferritin 28,6 μg/L 10,0 - 120,...

I lose 14kg in 2 months of winter from 10th october - 16 december. Main thing is diet plan and exrcise. My diet plan were 900 calories intake ( no sugar, no junk food, no sof...

I have suffered from Crohns for 10+ years but only diagnosed last october. My doctor put me on pentasa that I am still on and I've tried numerous times to explain to him it doesn't work. I have daily pain and diarrhea 15+ times a day yet he still won't cha...

What is good for nausea?? I can't stand the taste of Ginger ale and just about everything makes me sick

hi all i am 22 years old and have been feeling crazy nauseous for 3 years now i have had soo many blood tests and they are all clear endoscopy clear colonscopy clear i have problems with the bowels i get crazy constipation and recently i have been feeling ...

Can I be out in the sun while pregnant?

Hi I got my b12 tested and the results was 177 & the normal range is 139 to 651. My doctor says its ok. I have all the symptoms of b12 deficency. Is it possible that being on the low range I can still have symptoms. Did anyone experience this. Thanks

Can Lyme cause extremely low vitamin d levels, bone loss in jaw?

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