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1 - 10 of 9841 Posts
I was diagnosed as diabetic in June 1994 and was taking oral medication. In September 2003 I had flu-like symptoms, missed a week of work. Dr. said it was a virus. Had pain in middle of my back that was so bad I could not sleep, cried every day from th...

2 arthris dictors diaisnod fibro years ag obut ther has been no real answer tothe pain,anyone had any luck with a neurologist who treats this ain alabama?

I know your time is valuable and I thank you very much in advance. Sorry so informal. Limit is 2000 characters. Your thoughts on PHT possibility and Thyroid treatment greatly appreciated. Born 1962 1990-95 Many trips to physical therapists for...

I'm female, from uk, 44 married. In may 2003 had an affair with co worker had protected sex,unprotected oral (twice till completion) ended affair realized mistake. I have suffered with cystitis since 18. in Dec 2004 husband experienced uti, burning when ur...

National Drug Intelligence Center Pharmaceuticals Drug Threat Assessment ONE) Diversion Most pharmaceuticals abused in the United States are diverted by doctor shopping, forged prescriptions, theft and, increasingly, via the Internet. To reduce the o...

I had a sexual contact with a girl. here eyes used to glow and she has touched here glowing eyes to mine also she had visible nipple discharge and i sucked several times and i had a fresh open wounds and she had sprayed blood. also we had deep kissing ...

has anyone had the flu shot and did you do ok or have recations.

Hello, I have a question regarding HPV...I have had abnormal pap back in 2003, which I had a colposcopy done. In the end the results of said biopsy were inconclusive due to not enough volume of tissue being used. So, I am left not knowing why I had anbor...

I'm a 30 y/o woman who's been getting irregular periods since I was 9 y/o. Because my periods have been so irregular the only time I've ever really kept track of them was when I was ttc 2 years ago. I had my son in June of 2010 & got the Paraguard IUD pl...

Watched "The Game" with my husband. It's an oldie but I hadn't seen it. Pretty crazy movie and pretty good. Made me think if there are any other 'older' movies that have suspense (without being horror or too scary which I don't like)--- that people lik...

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