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1 - 10 of 57581 Posts
Not sure where to post this. For the last 3 months I've been seeing brought gold rings when I wake up. If I look left or right with my eyes closed I see a bright gold ring (bright as if I were looking at the sun). It only happens in the morning and goes aw...

Back in late July, I got up and about two thirds of my vision in my left eye was black for several seconds before I could see better with the whole eye. I was advised to go to the ER when I later reported it. They did a pituitary MRI (though I didn't fee...

For the past two months I wake up with exteme pain in my lower back. I have had kidney stones repeatedly in the past, and a few times I really thought I was experiencing them again. I went to the hospital and they said there were no kidney stones, but th...

I have been suffering from anxiety for several years. The severity of it changes. Sometimes I'm anxiety free, other times I'm a wreck. For the past 6 months I've been suffering bad anxiety. My anxiety used to only occur during the day, but now it's happeni...

What causes pain in right side upon waking?

I've had sudden migraines upon waking up in the morning or that sometimes wake me up. I feel like there's nothing I can do to get comfortable and on a pain scale from 1-10 they're a 20. They are usually almost immediately relieved by vomiting. I'm not s...

I go to bed without a headache, sleep well for 4 to 5 hours, then fall back to sleep 2 or 3 times 6:00 a.m. I wake up the second or third time with a painful migraine headache. The Frova is starting not to have an effect and Imitrex injection works. W...

I have been experiencing Phantom Smells for several years now that are fairly hard to describe. If I had to describe it I would say the most common one I smell is urine. Like a baby waking up from a nap and soiled their diaper, hot urine smell. Other times...

I am older, disabled and do not work, and I took "off" April to relax... just like when I worked, I take time off. You see, it is harder for me to do regular things as my back hurts so much from a car wreck. I have pain just fixing breakfast, getting rea...

Hello I have experienced transient blindness upon waking April 2011.This occured three times. Note that I have epilepsy (grand mals since January 2010), and schizophrenia (since March 2011) - both are controlled with medicine. I am a 47 year old male....

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