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I have reoccuring Pericarditis for over 3 years, reocccuring every 30 to 90 days inflamation will occur and sometimes 6mo apart, no cause has been found - symptoms have been changing form worse to better and are now mild, I did a lung sleep test and 80 tim...

OK this is really weird - I went to the cardio doc today and my heart did it's "beating thru my chest thing" for him (109 bpm sitting still). He checked my lab tesults that just got in (were just done last week) and he said "no wonder it is acting up with ...

need help ladies, when can my baby girl get her first bottle of water? also she has a cold, what meds can i give her ? she doesnt cough , but she has a runny nose??

Went to the doc today due to swelling/puffiness in my fingers, palms, feet and soles of feet.There are also mild (not severe) aches of the hands, knuckles, feet. The knuckles are red and the soles/palms.There is swelling in my undereyes, but that may just ...

is pediatric electrolyte good for hep c tx

Here are the results of a blood test I've done: NA: 142 in 136-145 K: 4.3 in 3.6- 5.2 CL: 107 in 98-107 CO2 29.8 in 21-32 Anion gap: 5 in 7-16 Total protein: 7.7 in 6.4-8.2 Why are my sodium, chloride and CO2 so high? Can it be metabolic acidosi...

I've been experiencing numbness and tingling in my fingers on one hand for the last 2 days. On that same side, I also get wavy sensations through my scalp. In addition, I have been experiencing tightness, pain and soreness in both calves, but the side with...

Just curious if anyone had juvenile rheumatoid arthritis as a child? What does it look like for you now as an adult? I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis at 17 years old. I am now 33 and my rheumy does not believe it to be RA for sure now since after ...

Im a 50 yr old female, on meds for high BP (its controlled) and no problems with high colesterol or thyroid. I also have RA and am being treated with methotrexate. Several years ago I was hospitalized because I thought I was having a heart attack. Poundin...

Hello, For about the last five years or so I have had pain and swelling in my fingers, toes, and now my knees, elbows. I also have pain in my feet and ankles. I had an elevated ESR (over 100) and at one point a CRP of 19. RF have always been negative a...

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