Search Results for "Aclaro Pd"

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Hola Dr. disculpe la molestia. bien pues tengo una enorme duda, tuve un encuentro sexual con dos chicos pero observe que el chico A le hacia sexo oral al chico B y despues viseversa (el chico B al chico A) despues el chico A me practico sexo oral a mi y no...

A ver es q yo no me aclaro mucho todavia la verdad, esta noche me acoste como siempre pero me he despertado sin kerer 1 hora antes de q me tocara el despertador para mirar la tempe como todos los dias, por curiosidad me la he tomado y me daba 36,1 y despue...

Chicas ya les he enviado el tutorial que pasé la mañana diseñando jejeje espero les guste!!!! un beso!!!! si no le ha llegado a alguna y lo quiere avisenme cuál es tu correo! besitoooossss

Is it possible to have both Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's Disease (at the same time)? I understand that some symptoms are common with both diseases. I understand that PD is "possible" after severe head trauma. I understand that MS is diagnosed th...

Does anyone have both Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's Disease? I've had MS much longer and have had a milder form of it, but a clear diagnosis (through lumbar puncture, etc). In 2007 I was also diagnosed by my neurologist with PD - especially since the ...

I've had PD since 2013. 2 months ago I got an erection without a curve and I could feel it. I got a vibrator. I got about 8 orgasms last month. Now I feel nothing with my vibrator. Has anyone ever got an orgasm(s) for a month then went back to not get...

As if liver problems were not enough, a new study shows a link between hbv and pd: Hope a seroconversion drug comes soon enough before it damages our liver or brain.

Vitamin D Continues to Show Promise for Mental Health Nutrition for Optimal Wellness | Greg Arnold | Parkinson Disease (PD) is characterized by tremors, slowness of movement, stiffness, and difficulty with balance. The condition affects more than 1.5 mi...

Can chiari cause parkinsons symptoms. I was told I have parkinsons disease by one neurologist a and that I don't by another. I had decompression surgery in June. I go for an Eeg on Wednesday to make sure I'm not having seizures. I was on levodopa for two m...

We have been trying to concieve and taking ovulation tests etc. I started my last period on the 9th Jan I have a 28 day cycle. I was supposed to start on the 5th Feb. We were busy with intercourse and I came on (TMI) but that was it the next day (6th) ther...

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