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Search Results for "D.R. T Cycline"

1 - 10 of 49178 Results
I am 26 weeks pregnant I have an right ovarian cyst that is about 12*1 cm. The D.r. stated that it looks abnormal ,that want to remove it if I end up going into labor would the baby survive @ 26 weeks.

My son is almost 2 months old and my mother and mother in law told me to give him anise tea in the night so he can sleep in the nights regular anise not start anise have anyone try this?

I have been in alot of pain for the past 4 yrs. I am a 28yr old mother of 3. I have had alot of upper back pain, the first time I ever went to the D.R. for it they told me I had depression, and quickly put me on prozac. No xray no anything, just a 10 min a...

How long after a lens implant surgery do you have to wait to have it corrected. And have laser to remove plaque.

Please help me out i had headache month ago i went to the D.R & i ask him to do mr MRI and i did it my since result come out i am realy realy wory please help is there somthing realy need to worry ..ok M RI is like this ........* HISTORY : HEADACH ...* T...

i was diagnosed with chiari when i was 17 when i went to a dr for migrains, but my dr. said it was not serious and said my problem was low b12. well i will never see that dr again because after 3 years of b12 shots and supliments, my migrains have only got...

Hi Doc, My question is: Why would a doctor perscribe doxycycline. I found an empty pill bottle in my trash belonging to my husband. He was tested for an std in early april, and told me it was negative. I latr recieved a statement from our insurance compan...

i am taken 5mg of ramipril and 50micrograms thyroxine,daily..... i have an occasional cough...the DR says it is caused by Ramipril but cant change my med because im been treated for Excema which i've had now for 18 mths..Please can anyone advise me

Me and my fiance are trying to conceive. I quit taking my birth control in December I was on Ortho Tri cycline. I have been doing the ovulation test everyday and they've all been negative. did I not catch it? or do you not ovulate every month? I'm confused...

I'm really scared. I've been getting really bad fatigue off and.on for.a.few..weeks. my whole.body feels.tired and weak and dizzy. I've had anxiety in the past but it seems to be back. I'm at the er right now and waiting results. I'm.spool scared. Why M I...

1 - 10 of 5 Results
Bumps in the genital area might be STDs, but are usually not serious. Treatment is usually for possible infection or to manage symptoms.

Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is short-term antiretroviral medication that may help prevent HIV infection if taken shortly after exposure.

Chlamydia is an sexually transmitted infection (STI) that often has no symptoms, but must be treated to prevent serious complications.

The CDC recommends that everyone test at least once, and you should test more often if you have multiple sex partners or use needles for drug use.

Herpes sores blister, then burst, ooze, they may scab, and will then heal. Sores may be confused with acne, fungal infections, and ingrown hairs.

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