Search Results for "Iron 50 Mg Tab"

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What is the recommended milligram for and iron pill. When your is low

My daugher is a 14 year old exthalassemic who underwent BMT in November 2009. She was found to be HCV positive prior to BMT and she underwent liver biopsy and HCV RNA Qualitative test. The result of biopsy was Grade IV iron overload, mild portal and foca...

Hi, I’m a 26 year old having loads of vitamin problems. I am 5ft 5inches short. Weight up to 60 kg. I live in an underdeveloped country with even more under developed medical facilities available. Also, the doctors here suck. Every since my early teenage ...

CASE HISTORY P V SOMAYJULU Age 69 Had IHD in the year 1977 (T wave inversion in V1 to V6) No complications since then Had mild Hypertension in the year 1980 (under control) Had prediabetes in the year 2010 (IFG) (under c...

Can someone tell me what Iron Test results below there something I should be concerned with? IRONIBC Iron 174 Range 45 - 182 UIBC 110 (Low) Range 126 - 382 TIBC (Calc) ...

I am 67 years old who underwent buypass surgery in 1986. So far eventless. I am taking daily after breakfast the following prescribed medicines : Enalapril-5 mg-1 tab Amlodipine-5 mg-1 tab Atenolol-50 mg-half tab Aspent-60 mg. -1 tab HCTZ-half tab. ...

Hello Dr., Birth bloodwork... *18.1 RDW% 3+ aniso macrocytes 1+ polychromasia What could these indicate? Any Iron/Folate/B12 anemia? Would it also indicate anything about the mother? Thank you. :)

I know you can't make a diagosis but we would value your opinion. My wife's symptoms have gotten progressivly worse this is what she takes. Gabapention 600 mg 2 tab 3 times a day. She has been on this for 7 years. Tramadol 50 mg 1 or 2 tabs 4 times a...

I am 51 yr old and gastro-bypass surgery when I was 29. What is the best over the counter iron supplement for me to take? And what are the side effects?

i have been recently diagnosed with an iron count of 8 but my haemoglobin is normal. how serious is this low iron count and what in the way of medication can help me. i am exhausted to the point of collapse almost daily,

1 - 10 of 2 Results
Can I get HIV from surfaces, like toilet seats, doorknobs, shared drinks or pools? How long can HIV live outside the human body, or it's host?

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